Pastaguini [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2020


  • I did not have a raging political discussion, however I did have my sister, who considers herself a leftist but probably doesn’t know who Marx was, attempt to express her extremely vibes-based politics in entertaining ways. She showed up to our dinner late and extremely high. A family friend of ours came for dinner who is from South America and is extremely cool, often regaling us with stories of El Salvador and Chile in the 60s. She’d fit in on the site. She brought up Allende and my sister rolled her eyes and said that he was just like “every other mediocre white man who is overconfident”. I asked her why she felt that way and she said she was “just kidding”. I later brought up the book the Jakarta Method and my sister said that “what is happening in Jakarta and the other places in Africa is terrible on both sides”. She then said she’s in favor of the rest of the world adopting the American dollar because it would be “more socialist”.

    The subject of the CIA came up in the context of intervention in South America, and my sister related it to the CIA distributing crack in American inner cities in the 80s. This stood out to me simply because I was surprised she knew about it. She then talked about the healing power of psychedelic medicine for about forty five minutes.

    Later on, we watched Its A Wonderful Life, which she said was “a good argument for why we need to replace capitalism with Bitcoin” during the scene when Uncle Billy loses the money. I didn’t even ask. I love her and I actually do think her heart is basically in the right place but she’s like a random number generator and seems to invent her completely incoherent world view as she goes along. I’ve thought about recommending at least some theory but I kind of think she’s happier and pretty much harmless in her mind castle.

  • No. I think a lot more people on the right were excited about him when he was an unknown quantity. Now that they’ve seen him in office and none of what they wanted happened (no wall, no Hillary arrest) a lot of the energy has diffused and the election is going to be decided by middle - upper class suburban whites who crave normalcy. I lived in Florida in 2016 and everywhere you looked there were trump flags, trump merchandise, etc. I just drove across the country and saw like three trump signs, one in Indiana, one in Kansas, and one in Colorado, and the one in Colorado just said, “thank you for trying to make our country great again”. Loser shit. The energy just isn’t there.

    Also consider the shifting demographics. A lot of older people who tend to vote republican died of Covid these last few years while a lot of young people who grew up on anti-trump media and naturally skew left are entering voting age. There are some right wing young people but not a ton, especially compared to previous generations.

    We might not have another republican president for a few election cycles. I think when we eventually do, it’ll be a young, savvy politician who doesn’t talk about culture war stuff as much but “just wants to keep taxes low and put America first”, like a further right Pete buttigieg. The current strategy of latching into divisive culture war stuff isn’t working. They want to recreate 2016 but 2016 was such a one in a million aligning of specific conditions that it’s unlikely to work again, even with bidens falling approval ratings due to unpopular support of Israel.