Awesome, thanks for this…. Will 100% look into it this weekend ;)
Awesome, thanks for this…. Will 100% look into it this weekend ;)
Out of interest (I asked someone else the same question) how is the support for Nvidia drivers? Other than my handhelds all my systems are team green and it’s what has always deterred me from switching to Linux on them as from what I gather support is flaky on most distros.
Thanks for this!
Out of interest, how is the driver support for Nvidia cards? This is the thing that has always put me off bailing on Windows for games.
I genuinely can’t wait for the day I can finally drop Windows altogether and boot directly in to steam os on my gaming pc’s / laptops and handhelds.
Windows becomes more of a bloated mess every update. Literally the only thing I use it for these days is launch games.
Bring it on Steam !
Starbucks literal,y just increased the CEO pay by something like 90milkion and laid off over a thousand workers.
Don’t quote the figures it’s from memory but I read about it just yesterday somwhere so well worth a look !
Out of interest, is theme development also the same / similar? I own a small agency and we now use Flynt as our base for bulds which is very much reliant on Timber and ACF. I have been developing on WordPress since its initial inception and reading the classic press overview, it sounds like bliss / it literally has stripped out every single annoyance I have with WP and I’m super interested in having a stab with it…
Embrace it, it comes to us all eventually!
I have have made it to the wrong side of 40 without ever owning a Facebook account. Neither do I use watts app or instagram or X.
I have loathed social media from day one and always been of the opinion, anyone I actually care about or want to hear from I’m in touch with.
Don’t get me wrong, work groups / activities I do outside of work that I’m involved with curse me because I won’t join their groups, but alas, I have lasted this long and don’t see me caving in now :)
Thanks for the reply and good to know !
The types of games I tend to play, I don’t think a slight performance hit will really matter. Definitely going to have a look into Bazzite this weekend ;)