🦊 OneRedFox 🦊

  • 1.29K Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Marx is being juxtaposed here because the article the author is addressing did that; he’s not equating the two, nor is he trying to legitimize lobster man (the dude’s already gotten on mainstream platforms and has a fuckton of fans—that ship has sailed). The CurrentAffairs audience is expected to already be familiar with this guy on account of the fact that it’s a niche libertarian socialist magazine that writes critical pieces about him every so often. The author agrees that he’s a charlatan and intellectual fraud that peddles reactionary bullshit to depressed young men.

    If you want to do a deeper dive into why lobster man sucks (or share other pieces that do), then that would be a good contribution to the comments section here. Or post it to the beehive, provided that it’s socialist critique. Either would be welcome.

  • Lemmy’s interop with the microblogging portion of the Fediverse (which is by far the largest part) sucks. You can’t follow users, so there’s no way to pull in content from there and there’s no hashtag support built in for posts, so Lemmy posts don’t get to take advantage of the discoverability features on the microblogging side. Beehaw in particular is picky with whom they federate, but it shouldn’t matter since there’s plenty of microblogging instances that share their ethos. I was already a Mastodon user for a few years prior to any of the exoduses and it bummed me out that you guys didn’t get to experience Fedi in its full glory because of these limitations. Hopefully the next platform that Beehaw migrates to will be better about this.

  • 🦊 OneRedFox 🦊@beehaw.orgtoLemmy@lemmy.mlMy rating of Lemmy
    2 months ago

    I would say that the decentralized nature of the platform means that the demographics that don’t get along don’t have to share the same space. Reddit is full of communities that fucking hate each other and the centralized nature of the site means that those userbases have to occupy a lot of the same subreddits; those users have a low barrier to entry to go troll each other and pick fights. In the Fediverse, these communities are separate instances and will just defederate from each other, putting an end to it. Instead, like-minded communities and instances can congregate together. The federation model also provides incentive for users to behave, since instances can be cut off from everyone else if they’re deemed too toxic/annoying.

  • Any organization that’s forced to pursue endless growth is going to end up enshittifying eventually, because there’s only so much innovation and wow factor that you can do to make a product appealing before you hit a talent/demographic/creativity limit. Not to mention that infrastructure and operating costs are massive when you hit that level of scaling and that needs to be funded somehow. Eventually they’ll be forced to start extracting more value out of their existing userbase to keep the revenue growth going. Going IPO is mostly just a telegraph for how things are going behind the scenes.

  • The internet has become an extractive and fragile monoculture.

    Something that has become very apparent to me over the past year of migrating away from the big 6 sites into the dark forest is that, no honestly, the internet isn’t that; the big 6 sites are that. Places like Neocities still exist and have lots of traffic and you can go there and have an interesting time. I’ve encountered more cultural diversity on the Fediverse than I had in the past decade of using Reddit. There’s still cool stuff and interesting communities; it’s just hard to find because search engines are increasingly useless. We need better discoverability; if we fix that, then we’re golden.

  • The solution, instead, is to look for what is holding the procrastinator back. If anxiety is the major barrier, the procrastinator actually needs to walk away from the computer/book/word document and engage in a relaxing activity. Being branded “lazy” by other people is likely to lead to the exact opposite behavior.

    Often, though, the barrier is that procrastinators have executive functioning challenges — they struggle to divide a large responsibility into a series of discrete, specific, and ordered tasks. Here’s an example of executive functioning in action: I completed my dissertation (from proposal to data collection to final defense) in a little over a year. I was able to write my dissertation pretty easily and quickly because I knew that I had to a) compile research on the topic, b) outline the paper, c) schedule regular writing periods, and d) chip away at the paper, section by section, day by day, according to a schedule I had pre-determined.

    Yeah, this matches my experience from when I used to tutor people. They tended to be below grade level and would fall victim to a fear of failure, since their self-esteem has taken hits from struggling with the work, in their mind the failure would be confirmation that they’re stupid and would make them not want to try. Getting them to change their mentality resulted in more productive sessions going forward and accomplishing that required addressing the root causes of their anxiety and/or skill deficits.