I mean, sure… That’s why I mentioned it as an alternative all-inclusive experience that also fits what OP was going for, as part of my original comment.
I mean, sure… That’s why I mentioned it as an alternative all-inclusive experience that also fits what OP was going for, as part of my original comment.
Cruises are great as an all-inclusive, as far as I’ve found the two I’ve been on. Although they’re very clean, some people will complain about them being high spreaders of illness… which I haven’t experienced personally. Then there’s also the environmental impact. And if you have bad motion sickness, there’s that too.
But, ignoring those issues this fits the bill for the OP image. An alternative would be an all-inclusive resort.
But, we can’t remove the tax-exempt status from churches that are explicitly promoting Republican candidates…?
Yeah, she can eat a bag of dicks. But, we’re not the audience for her terrible joke, it’s her rich friends.
Is she someone I should know? Otherwise I could see my peasant-ass joking about the same thing, especially if I’m grinding for a middle seat on a row that apparently didn’t even have a window.
Now, if she’s one of the privileged, that’s an entirely different joke.
More than half your class is too busy licking their boots to unite against them. They’re grateful for the scraps they’re being given, while worshipping their masters.
I mean, I was going for your cells being replaced one by one until you become the Thing. But, positing that you’re still you, but not you. Just like you are a Ship of Theseus even now, you aren’t the same You that you were or will be later.
Its a stretch, but is an interesting thought at least.
Edit: the interesting thing here is the Thing acted and behaved like the person, having absorbed who they were, fully capable of being them. They were the person, the person was still there, but they were more too.
I mean… the alternative is Hawaii, which isn’t at all the bastion of ‘cheap vacations’.
Does the original ship in the Ship of Theseus ‘die’?
Total control, they can impeach every democratic judge and expel any and every democratic congressman/woman if they don’t play ball. And you still have the appearance of following the constitution.
They don’t even have to use unconventional routes to remove judges from the SCOTUS, all they have to do is impeach. ‘But, they don’t have the numbers in the Senate!’, once a few congressmen fall out windows, everyone else will rubber stamp whatever else the GOP wants, to include impeaching leftist judges and expelling leftist congressmen who don’t fall in line.
This is me, boss comes in with a new task, I immediately whip out my green notebook and start writing as he’s talking then let him know I’ll get to it when I’m done with my current task. I use black for writing out the task and subtasks, red for checking items I’ve completed already, slashing through tasks that are no longer required, or writing notes that come up during the task (like ticket numbers). I think I’m like just below halfway through the notebook I started in February.
There’ll be no shortage of those once they start rounding up the democrats (to include anything else that isn’t the ‘true republican’), the LGBTQ+, and non(‘correct version’ of)christians. Oh, and minorities.
The first members of the administration, Congress, or the SC who aren’t faithful enough will be the ones who ‘commit suicide by throwing themselves out their hotel windows’, the rest will rubber stamp any and every maga law, to include anything that would prevent him from being president for life, like his buddy Putin.
He had the threat of impeachment for misuse of Presidential power before. Now he doesn’t, the House will never be able to bring that against him while in Republican control, and the Senate’s still his. I’m willing to bet we get to see a huge increase in Democrats being impeached across the country. Impeaching Democratic judges, formerly appointed for life. Sure, you’ll need some Democrats on your side, but once everyone is afraid of the gazpacho (/s), more than enough will fall in line. They’re ‘official Presidential acts’ remember, and if you thought they weren’t, their hand selected judges would disagree with you and approve the acts.
Hell, it’s already been mentioned before, all he needs to do is claim a ‘red scare’, then investigate, impeach, and purge the ranks of those that don’t fall in line. And it doesn’t have to be blatant assassination, the people will believe what they’re told.
Edit: uniquely, other than having dissidents randomly fall out windows, Congressmen/women can be expelled without impeachment, with a 2/3rds vote in their respective houses (little ‘h’). So, say a few start throwing themselves out the 5th floor window of hotels… enough remaining will prostrate themselves and vote to expel their peers, same as they would to impeach SCOTUS or federal judges.
A guy I know argues that a ‘better system’ would that the individual shouldn’t be able to vote in higher tier elections. The individual should be able to vote for their local reps. Local reps vote for the fewer regional/county reps, those vote for state, and state then vote for congressional, who then vote and elect the president.
But, if you think Russian (or enemy nation states) were able to infiltrate and sway the 2024 presidential election across 130 million voters… how easy do you think it’d be to do the same across Congress? Hell, they’ve already infiltrated that.
Brawndo instead of water used for crops.
Yep, everything outing yourself as LGBTQ+ or an ally, or liberal/progressive/democrat will turn into your lynching material. Time to delete everything and be prepared for The Handmaiden’s Tale to kick up real quick.
Remember, with doublespeak they’ll continue* to blame the democrats while their Republican leaders dismantle their rights, the economy, and the government right in front of their eyes.
What about all-inclusive hotels? Are those a thing? Or all-inclusive bed and breakfasts? Or all-inclusive Asian massage parlor (happy ending all-included)? All-inclusive airport lounges?