Mokey [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • Two exercises I’m working on:

    1. Metronome at 60BPM, one bar on two bars off. Now I’m focusing in on my trouble spots. Maybe I do like three minutes of eighth notes, sixteenths, sextuplets felt in two, sextuplets felt in three and 32nd notes. Trying to lock in asap and keep it steady. I’m better than when I first started doing this. When I feel better at this, I want to switch between subdivisions each bar and get back on one.

    2. Metronome at 30BPM, playing quarter notes but seemlessly playing in between duple and triple subdivision. I can do this pretty well now, maybe a day or two more and then move on to: playing quarter notes so accurately 30BPM that I can do 2 full bars of covering the click. That would be sick.

  • I think honestly many of the people who are throwing the insults the most are just feeling white guilt. They’re compensating for the privilege they feel. In my opinion, it’s not useful to be like that and is ironically pretty “white.” My opinion.

    I think there is a place for it especially for people who aren’t white and are under the boot of the white, colonial, capitalist system but I dont think using it as the main tool of expressing your anti-colonial and anti-racist sentiment is a good idea.

    I think it’s fine to ask questions, just don’t respond to hostility with hostility and try to be the bigger person when someone wants to argue.

    The rudeness is a knee jerk reaction to the type of people we get coming here with bad intentions.

    Pigpoopballs is an old meme that we’ve beaten to death, I’m glad you got something out of it. The old chapo subreddit got a trump guy to post his dick once which is funny.