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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Sorry for the late reply! This is an incredibly extensive list, thank you so much! I’ll have to give the game another go at some point here. It seems super charming, so maybe if I go into it with this added knowledge, I’ll be able to get my bearings. Have you tried the new game that just released a while back? I think it was called my time at Sandrock?

  • I am begrudgingly continuing my NG+ run of elden ring today so that I can play the DLC on Friday. It’s my own fault because I started NG+ thinking I would get through it. But after an almost 200 hour first playthrough, I was done and put it down.

    I am not a big fan of how the DLC requires you to get further into the game to play it. But that minor gripe aside, I am quite interested to see where they take us in the DLC. I’m thinking I’ll need to fight my way to be able to respec again and I might go into the game as a spellcaster once more. Not quite sure just yet, but thinking about the possibilities is getting me a bit hyped haha

  • Stardew Valley is the game that keeps on giving. At this point, I wish there was just more. More towns to visit, more activities, more everything.

    The only thing that does kind of suck is that after year 1 I feel like I’ve kind of mastered whatever I was attempting to do. I’ve heard some people say after year 1 is where they enjoy the game the most, but idk I feel like by that point I’m making more money than I need and the only thing left to do is collect stuff or attempt the skull cavern.

    But man. That first year is a blast. I’ve been thinking I should try out more mods or possibly a jojamart run at some point

  • This is it here. Please keep your expectations low lol


    It’s not amazing by any means. I’m basically mostly just messing around with streams and shorts recently as they’re much faster to make.

    (I hope this doesn’t come off a spammy as I mention my channel from time to time. It’s basically just a little hobby right now. My goal is to just currently keep improving. My childish dream would be to eventually just be able to live off of it and just be able to bring together a cool community of people. But I’m not holding my breath haha.)

  • I’m sooooo close to getting a week off work. Just trying to hang in there. It’s funny how a persons focus wavers when they know a break is coming.

    I have been making some small progress with my youtube/livestream channel. I’m up to 54 subscribers, which feels like I’ve moved at a snails pace since September. But I’m picking up some steam, in the past while so that’s super cool. I think my videos are bad lol but given the amount of time I can actually work on stuff during the week, I think I’m actually doing alright. I’m hoping that eventually, I’m able to find a solid direction of where I want to take my videos. But for now I just want to make stuff that is fun/ that can make people happy in even just a small way

  • I feel the same about my own issues and troubles. Just wana stop by and tell you that your issues are valid. Even though there’s always bigger fish out there. Your issues and feelings are valid and sometimes life is just unfair and fucking hard.

    I hope that this can help even a little bit. I try to tell myself this sometimes, but I find it hard to take it to heart unless I hear it from someone else. Hang in there! I hope your week shapes up and gets better

  • I agree. I think this is spot on. It’s the context. If I see Russians traveling around right now, I assume they are traveling to avoid the war, but aren’t against it happening. I feel like with these videos, it’s always the Russians that are puppets to their government. Never the ones that oppose the war.

    Russians that legitimately want nothing to do with their government/ want peace are cool though.

    This video seemed like she was lacking an outside perspective. She says she’s seeking a calmer place to live, but it sounds like she doesn’t understand the context that everyone else has. Everyone is eyeing Russians right now because nobody wants a bunch of warmongers moving into their country. I’m not saying all Russians are like that, but nobody knows if a person is or not. So they’re making quick judgement

    I’m not sure how it is in Mexico/south America but I know in Canada we have a cultural melting pot, but people bring their past quarrels with them into the country. So you have a bunch of people living in Canada that will occasionally fight each other because of what Is happening in their original countries. Nobody wants to deal with that

  • First to answer your question. Gosh man…I feel like everything is insanely expensive now. Food entertainment, resources, everything. It’s brutal. I went to a local used game shop and prices have not recovered since 2020. Some games are stupidly overpriced now.

    Oh, I’ve seen this cabinet in person! It’s much smaller than I expected and would be kind of awkward to actually use. I’m 6 foot, and I would have to look down at it to use it.

    It’s cool, though. The artwork is really neat.

    I think if I was going to get a cabinet, there were only two ways I would want to go about it.

    1. I would probably make my own and spend a heck of a lot of time and money on it. It would be a pain to do, but the end product would be something that fits my tastes and works perfectly. Those cabinets that are essentially just big emulators seem to make the most sense to build imo.

    2. acquiring a DDR machine. I have no idea if you can even build those. I mean, I guess you could, but those would probably be expensive as heck.

    I built a custom GBA a while back and I think when it was said and done I spent around $300+ CAD on it? It was more expensive than it needed to be, but it was a fun project to try. I taught myself how to solder too, which was fun.

  • If I may chime in, I believe you’re both correct in your own ways. Russia is being controlled through very “in your face” propaganda. America also, in many ways, is very controlling and also gets away with its fair share of atrocious behavior.

    In my opinion, it’s a spectrum or a big circle. Instead of being “left or right”, they both circle around to their own variation of authoritarianism.

    (although I would say the USA is slightly better off, for the time being, at least. I don’t think they’re quite as bad, but some aspects are indeed just as bad. But I have not visited Russia, so my perspective is skewed based purely on what I read about it.)