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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Marand@feddit.dkto> Greentext@lemmy.mlAnon dislikes reddit
    3 months ago

    On Lemmy there is disincentive to troll right? If you’re being too much of a troll you might get thrown out of your instance for making it look bad. Unless you selfhost of course. I’m not sure why botspam from selfhosted lemmy’s is not a bigger problem to be honest. You can deferate them but it’s easy to make new ones.

  • Yeah, every time a stock is down a 100 “analysts” come pouring out of the woodworks and gives a 100 different reasons for why. I find it more likely that the reason Tesla is doing worse is that the EV market is just way more competitive than before (but I don’t know, that is my point). Like you say, Elon has been saying polarizing shit the entire time. I don’t think common consumers care about that. Something else must have changed.

  • Given the amount of his personal wealth he put into Tesla and the financial tricks he pulled to get further funding (if what is said in Elon Musk by Ashley Vance is true), then it seems likely that Tesla would have gone bankrupt without him. Maybe any rich person could have done it, and electric cars would always eventually be on the trajectory they are now, but he was the rich person that actually did it. He should get some credit for that, I think. But it is right that he didn’t create Tesla, and he should definitely stop implying that he did, I agree with that.

  • That is not “very clear”, no. The Cold war did not end in another world war even though everybody built up their militaries. If the power distributions are about even, then most likely nations will stand around waving their missile dicks around until someone goes bankrupt or everybody collectively finds out that keeping that level of military on standby is fucking expensive and slowly powers down again.

  • Er kommet til at booke min weekend godt ud, men forhåbentlig er der lidt tid til at lege lidt med min nye Valve Index :) Nogle af jer der har VR og kan anbefale nogle spil? Regner med at starte med at spille Alyx igennem, med nogle beatsaber pauser når jeg bliver træt af at blive spist af zombier

  • Tak for rapporten, jeg har aldrig selv selfhostet noget så stort som feddit, så det er interessant at se. Kan du uddybe omkring hvor meget lagring (storage) feddit.dk bruger? Siden lemmy tillader brugere at uploade billeder må det tage en del mere plads end hvis det bare var tekst, men feddit.dk er jo ikke så stort endnu, så det er nok overkommeligt for nu. Jeg er mere interesseret i hvor lang tid det skalerer. Lemmy er jo nok ikke distribueret så man skal vertikalt skalere (købe størrer servere) når load bliver for meget.