MamaVomit [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • I don’t understand the scenario here. Typically, you only need the TOTP (time-based one-time password) from your 2FA app, enter it on your computer, and you can use the computer to access your resources. The app itself is actually not even supposed to be on the same device, as an added layer of security.

    It sounds like you need 2FA to run your company’s VPN (is that correct?). On your computer, you would launch the VPN, it’ll ask you for the TOTP (which you get from Aegis on your phone), and then you’re logged in and able to access company resources (on your computer).

  • You would think spam would at least make sense.

    It’s usually the opposite actually, to filter out anyone who might get savvy to the scam later on. Anyone who would be deterred by typos or weird inconsistencies would probably flake out when asked to send gift cards, download suspicious executables, etc., meaning the scammer would have wasted their time getting to that point. They only want the most gullible users, and anyone who follows through on really poorly written scams usually falls into that group.

    In this case, I wouldn’t be worried though – looks like regular spam.

  • Thank you for the link. The mammalian cell option seems like a good one, since it seems like no creatures are harmed to gather the cells. Or, at least, any harm is abstracted to an additional level.

    I would say though, taking the vaccine is an active choice that I can weigh my options on, while unknowingly/mistakenly consuming insects is not. The latter is regrettable but unavoidable, so I wouldn’t blame myself for that. To the best of my ability I want to avoid contributing to animal suffering, so part of living up to the “best of my ability” part is looking into alternatives in the one-off cases like this one.

    Appreciate your input, thanks again