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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023


  • Al gore got fucked and he should have been president

    The same way Bernie got fucked by the DNC and would have won against trump if he had been the nominee

    Hillary Clinton is at best centre right and was an absolutely horseshit choice, her only redeeming feature was she wasnt trump

    Maybe democrats should actually be progressive and not all be owned by corporations and then people would go for them

  • Idk if anyone is saying they’ll vote for trump over Biden because they think he will be better for genocide or for people in the states.

    Saying Biden and the Democrats are enabling genocide and watching it happen is not the same thing as saying “we will vote for trump”

    It’s calling out people and hoping they do better.

    But I guarantee you if Biden loses the election this November, all the pieces will be about why black and brown and Muslim voters didn’t come out, rather than examining why an absolutely massive proportion of white people vote for trump and the Republicans at every turn even though they’re destroying the country.

  • Erasing words because there is the potential for damaging feelings isnt the way to go.

    I agree re sexism, etc., but I don’t think we should rewrite books or words. Let people know what they mean, and then explain why it’s bad.

    For ex. Re-publishing Enid Blyton or Mark Twains works with certain words that are racist removed or edited. I don’t think that should be done. Let people learn how they were used and why they are wrong.

    Or pulling down statues of Confederate leaders because they were racist and fought to have slaves. Don’t do that. Keep the statues up. Add a plaque or a message stating why they were assholes. Don’t erase history. Don’t rewrite it. Just make sure people have the knowledge.

  • I’ll vote but I’ll vote third party

    You guys will get pissed at that too

    Democrats haven’t done shit for decades now. Every single time they come in, it’s a little glitter on top of the steaming shit pile left by the republican counterpart, and then the same old stuff as them, just with different words. Doesn’t matter which party is in the White House, both of them are bought out completely by fossil fuels, tech, pharma, and all the other main industries. The Democrats are not a left wing party, they are a center right party that has been drifting ever more towards the right.

    If their only running point is that they’re not as bad as the republicans, well honestly, they have shown that to not be true. The same things that would have happened under the republicans is happening under the Democrats. Joe Biden is the one calling people who protest against genocide anti semites. He’s the one okay with the national guard and heavily militarized police beating up and arresting American citizens because they protest another country having exorbitant power here.

    How is that different from Trump saying the same thing when Democrats were upset about Russia? How are you all okay with another country blatantly directing America’s leaders? And buying our politics?

    If you guys can only ever dream of two choices, when literally half the western governments have more than two choices and have to form coalitions, that’s your own failing. The two party system was always broken that’s why even George fucking Washington warned against it 250 odd years ago.

    But if you want a third choice you’re gonna have to vote for one. And telling everyone they should stick their head in the sand and only vote for two pieces of a shit sandwich because it’s been like that for a while is cowardly. Dream of a better world, then make one. Don’t just dream of it and say ah well it’s out of reach.