KVM over IP would allow you to control the computer from another room given that are able to run a dedicated Ethernet connection between the two rooms. There are some rated for 4k@60Hz which would allow you to get some lightweight gaming.
KVM over IP would allow you to control the computer from another room given that are able to run a dedicated Ethernet connection between the two rooms. There are some rated for 4k@60Hz which would allow you to get some lightweight gaming.
KVM over IP would allow you to use your computer as if it was in the same room as you, if you want to control the computer from multiple rooms you’ll want to find what is referred to as a one-to-many KVM, meaning one source to many receivers.
Something like:
Using terminals, thin clients, or low powered machines at the end points would require setting up Windows RDP or running some level of virtualization with Microsoft Hyper-V either of which would require Windows Server to operate effectively. Last I checked Windows Hyper-V does no support GPU pass through.