I can’t get it to work. It works for you?
I can’t get it to work. It works for you?
Thank you 👌
True. It came pre installed on my PC I bought 4 years ago. But yeah, you’re correct. This is the reason to why I was questioning the decision to install Linux. But I think I will install Linux anyway.
Article has been changed. Thank you for the input.
Thanks ♥️
Would a windows emulator be possible? Or is that basically like running windows anyway?
I used Linux as a child. I remember that I couldn’t play games on it… Define tinkering… It’ll be pointless to have a computer if I can’t play games on it imo
Thanks. Was looking for something like this. Going forward with my decision to do the switch
I think you know what I was expecting. It was worth a shot. Sadly, as you point out, it seems like a lost cause. Thanks for the info.
Would you mind hitting us with a direct link to tubular? This is one of the biggest hindrances to getting completely off google
Could this be an attempt to clean the proton name? I think it’s difficult to say anything when it comes from a source I know nothing about.
Tutamail has a calendar. Tutamail hasn’t said anything positive or factual about the republican parties either. They’ve made no statements
Yes, sorry
deleted by creator
Where I live, the workers turn them the right side again. Waste of time, don’t rely on this to navigate the boycott.
For Willys or Hemköp you can download the app and scan. Scan directly in the Hemköp app. Use scan&go on the Willys app
Jag känner detsamma. Men försöker tänka att detta inte är för evigt.
Jag funderar också på om inte detta bara gör ryssen glad… Trump verkar dock vara en “Russian asset” som saboterar amerika från insidan. Det finns ingen annan logisk förklaring.
Jag vill iaf göra det jag kan för att sätta press på amerikanerna att agera… Allt är så otroligt komplicerat… Våran bojkott är egentligen ingenting avgörande i slutändan, men en del av kakan. Jag kan i alla fall inte bara “inte agera”. Edit: förhoppningsvis kommer Europas ekonomi stärkas iom bojkotten iaf. Något som kan vara till fördel för försvaret.
Tack för att du tar upp det du tar upp. Det är viktigt att se på allt som sker just nu från alla perspektiv.
Jag drog iväg ett mail.
Klarna has american connections. One of the biggest shareholders are “sequoia capital” 'merican