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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I’m not entirely sure what would be expected here. Reality television is trash entertainment for trash audiences. I can’t imagine intentionally placing myself in the crosshairs of society’s lowest common denominators unless I had a plan to leverage it for my financial benefit. The people who consume this media lack critical thinking skills, the ability to differentiate reality from fiction, and a lack of impulse control. This didn’t occur thirty years ago when “reality tv” was in its infancy. The actual reality is well known and abundantly clear now.

  • I apologize if I wasn’t clear in my statement. I was not supporting shaming fat people. As someone who is, once again, overweight, I know they are well aware. I am, however, opposed to those who state that you can be healthy and obese, as the evidence does not support it. Also, no one is owed to be found attractive by others. The greater your weight deviates from healthy, the lower your pool of potential partners. People need to accept the realities, not expect others to indulge in fantasies. That was all I was trying to convey in short hand. I still think all people should be treated with respect, and it isn’t anyone’s job, except maybe a medical professional, to point out someone’s weight to them.