LaughingLion [any, any]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 14th, 2020


  • i went to school in south florida and almost our entire baseball team was gay

    at first it was like one of those homophobic jokes like, “if you are into sports play football and if you are gay play baseball” kinda thing youd say in the late 90s but in reality our baseball team was actually legit like 80% gay. they would all hang together and kiss and lay in each others laps and stroke their hair in the halls and in hindsight i was kind of envious because most straight kids werent enjoying this kind of intimacy on a daily basis so to the gay baseball kids who went to northeast high in oakland park i wanna say i hope yall are living your most fabulous life now

  • the “steam” method helps but even then its still going to take 30-45 minutes depending on how fast and loose you want to play with the burner temperatures

    she doesnt mention it here but this method also has the benefit of creating like a broth the onions cook in and the evaporation of the water concentrates that broth. now youd think the same thing would happen when you just do onions by themselves but no there is like some magic that happens this method seems to create a stronger onion flavor which a number of youtubers who have tested this method notice (and i noticed as well when i first tried it)