• 4 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2023


  • Guns don’t protect children. They’re the leading cause of death in children.

    I have no idea what you’re talking about with protecting food…hunting? Not how most people get their food. Most people get food from a grocery store…where they’re increasingly likely to get shot.

    If the freedom line was in reference to the military, there’s hardly a vet alive who’s done that… they’re all dead from old age. The only wars we’ve been fighting were for revenge or resources. I say that as a vet.

    If you’re talking about protecting us from our government…as far as I know, nobody has even won an armed confrontation with the police or feds over freedoms. Guns made Waco worse. Guns made Ruby Ridge worse. I guess the Bundy’s protected their “right” to steal from taxpayers by grazing their cattle on public land without paying for it like they should have. That feels like a less important right than “life” to me personally.

  • Yeah, I didn’t take it as you trying to bash, just expanding the convo a bit. I think the outcomes are very dependent on why the decision to homeschool was made and how prepared the parents are to actually educate their children. If you’re doing it because you don’t feel public schools are safe enough, I could get on board with that…my kids are in public school, and it’s scary as shit sometimes. Our 7th grader had to deal with multiple lockdowns last year, and we live in a pretty safe area. If you’re homeschooling because you don’t want your kid’s mind “poisoned” by basic science like geology or biology, or don’t want them exposed to different races or religions, you’re probably gonna end up with a young adult who isn’t prepared to exist on their own in the world when the time comes and that transition into adulthood is going to even harder than it already is.