Heath Ledger started banking here in the year 2000. Only movie producers have debit cards right and all actors are on a cash only basis and actors are cannibals that rob and eat their prey.
I mean you all weren’t ripping or watching Hollywood movies on the internet right? Because that’s just a cheap way for producers to store things so there isn’t giant dvd and vhs recording machines. Taking up space in print shops. Printing t shirts just went on because that blonde chick in ten things I hate about you did acting as a source of income and because it was an art but she preferred real art but didn’t see selling statues as a source of income or steady income. Sometimes large durable good purchases weren’t supported in capitalism. So it was T shirt printing and that genre of music that took place during those years. They’d all run around stabbing and killing all these other people as like a cult. The world was somewhat French back then.
And simulations are just used for movie production so that actors don’t miss their cues or start eating things and robbing and killing each other on the set.
Heath Ledger is kidnapped not dead, if he didn’t die as his stage name or other self then hepatitis b does this to him, and that’s why there was glucose in Mountain Dew and potassium in everything else as a preservative and no one could really eat natural foods or supposedly natural cheeses and butter. And that’s one thing I hate about you.
I wrote them but haven’t watched them. The only reason that movie theater thing went on back in the earlier 2000s is because cannabinol was vaporized into the air around houses and in movie theaters and sometimes schools, because no one could focus on what they were watching and no one had any appetite and usually had cancer.
If you can’t focus during a movie tell it in a review and then try an older one, or it’s carb intake that’s required.
Movies also have issues where the sound effects and music are too loud and talking is too quiet so you can’t watch them late at night when you may want too. Or you can’t focus and get blasted in the ear and if both audios aren’t recorded separately then you can’t adjust it with an equalizer or maybe you can.
All those funny comedies like “Pineapple Express” to “why him” were written by Kevin while he was high.
James Bond was ruined there was too much action that was less spy and more call of duty version of spy. But it’s watchable if the audio was more balanced but it may still be a decent action filled watch. He was a bit fat in casino royale lol that’s what a young lighter darker skinned girl said to him at the beach, well because he was more likely to pull his white cock out, if she asked.