Homestar440 [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2020


  • You could say, b-but wouldn’t you do anything for your daughter? Wouldn’t you go for a murdering rampage to save her?

    An adventure in incoherence:

    My brother is a Sorkin-brained libs lib, but he also absolutely believes he is the “righteous violent badass” that will merc anyone who threatens his personal friends (all adult women who he feels he is the protector of…ughhhh). Anyway, here’s a fun experiment, try asking their opinion on US foreign policy crimes. I asked him about the famous Madeleine Albright quote about 500000 children dying in the middle east from sanctions being “worth it,” and he literally just said “we have our interests.” After that, steer the conversation toward why reform doesn’t work under capitalism to get the ol’ reliable, “Oh, so you advocate using violence, eh? You have such a strong political position that you have to use force, eh?”

    And yes, he does consider himself a sophisticated political thinker.