Where else would they send it but to their servers?
Where else would they send it but to their servers?
Fortunately I use neither.
This will cause the LNP and the fossil barons to foam at the mouth!
Maybe a throwaway email address and use TAILS as an anonymiser which also manages the cookie cleanup. Every network session is a new clean invocation.
Isn’t Trump’s moto “fight like hell” regardless of the truth?
In some the police and judiciary are extension on the executive government where in others they are the third branch and independent.
There are a number of places in the world that have legal systems that are totally controlled by the state. If you go to those places you are taking large chances as you don’t know how much you figure in that government’s agenda at that moment.
Probably time to try Loops or something else.
Sounds that’s going to work well. It wasn’t going so well to start with but apparently they are still on top of Pixelfed!
When asking why is this so important to Trump, it can only be money. Nothing else motivates him. They say there are minerals there but it’s probably oil.
Wow the President of the USA calling insulting the President of Germany? Wow would have thought?
Was thinking the same.
Only the stuff you put in the microwave.
Well the American people voted for instability now they and the rest of the world will need to sit back with popcorn and watch.
There are many official reports and this is yet another that we don’t act on.
No shit?! This has only just come to light?
Another way to look at it is a tax on fossil fuels. Increase the cost of fossil fuels and you increase the cost of things that use them! A carbon tax!
It’s about CEOs and profits not consumers.
Certainly both however the cost of home batteries is very high and anything that can reduce it would be useful. This is especially true of being able to absorb surplus solar energy for use later. Size and weight are not the major issue with static batteries but cost is.
Aren’t hares an introduced species? From an Australian perspective, hares and rabbits are pest species and it is illegal not to control their numbers.