Simpler question, why would you buy a Smart Watch?
24yrs, Chilean 🇨🇱 Computer Engineer & Tech Geek 🎮
Simpler question, why would you buy a Smart Watch?
Love Hack.Net, didn’t like Mr. Robot
Sinbad - Legend of the Seven Galaxies
Be able to be there for those that need me and simultaneously have a job
Not surprising in the slightest.
They could have given us full backwards compatibility for that.
There are like 3 cat days in the year, look it up.
Why even bother arresting Telegram’s CEO when Matrix is a thing.
Mr. Fusión!
EA finally realized that re-releasing DLC non stop was not gonna generate new sales.
If we talk Action JRPGs then i guess it’s Drakengard.
Protagonist power not enough? Then i summon my legendary dragon and end my turn!
(Wait no, that last thing is not entirely true.)
The only answer: y e s
It should be backwards tho.
“No woman can k*ll me”
“I am no woman.”
It was actually two years, Vice City came out in 2002.
It happens.
But eventually you’ll find someone (or perhaps that person will find you).
Everybody says “Nintendo of Japan”
When it’s actually JAPAN OF NINTENDO