Direct evidence of official campaign vote manipulation and propaganda dissemination. Hopefully not too much of this filters over from Reddit.
Thinking about how people trying to blame white men for this don’t realize how they’re causing exactly this problem.
“It’s all your vote”
“Why aren’t you supporting us?”
“It’s all your vote”
People seriously think this is going to get those who feel that way to come around to them? Honey not vinegar.
Does your country have national debt, or is it affording to pay for all those things while keeping balance?
I have no problem with people from other countries.
I have a problem with people coming here and using our tax money to fund their easy lives.
Your welcome to post pro-migration stories.
I would never set foot in India.
Oh yes I did that!
I’m following the list you gave, so I’m trying my best here. It’s the exact same rating as the Guardian.
The only difference is left/right.
13,000 on top of the 750,000 “irregular migrants” already in the UK. Double Frances 300,000, and making the UK have the largest “irregular migrant” population in Europe.
As for why that’s a problem? Because it takes away resources from the people who live here. They’re actively stealing our futures, as we pay for their accommodation, food, family planning, childcare, etc. I understand you don’t have the same social care that we do, but it costs a lot of money to house these people while we work our arses off and can’t even pay rent.
Imagine if you could just hop on a boat to Mexico, and the Mexican government would give you a free home and food for life. You didn’t even have to learn Spanish, you could just sit in your American community and never interact with anyone while getting everything. Would you understand why Mexicans would be angry at you?
With all the negativity in here, I just wanted to say thanks for all that you do @[email protected]
Spending billions of pounds to prop migrants up for life, yet our elderly starve. This is unfair to the hardworking people who lived there their whole life.
It’s fine. You just hate it because of it’s right bias.
The source is fine, it’s your priorities that are wrong.
Ask them why they didn’t do the important one?
Upset at a rapist? No.
Upset at a newspaper? Yes.
Sheikh came to Britain in 2006 as a mature student before overstaying and refusing to leave once his visa ran out in 2011.
The migrant even attempted to stay by submitting a fake degree diploma which he had never actually achieved, according to Tribunal papers seen by The Sun.
Should’ve been deported for his first offense long before a kid got raped.
These cartel problems need to stay down in Mexico. is the study used in the article, which supports that.
The best windows debloater is delete system32 and install Linux,.
You’re right, they must all be paid actors! Thousands of paid actors walking and sleeping outdoors, very committed paid actors.