It’s Lemmy! Lemmy! Lemmy lemmy lemmy!
It’s Lemmy! Lemmy! Lemmy lemmy lemmy!
Yes, it is definitely stupid adults’ fault. Every time. If a kid is having issues, it’s because of an adult behaving poorly. Usually the parents, but teachers and others can be just as bad.
Oh shit! Don’t tell anyone I said anything!
Kids are so smart! That is why I love working with them. They can be so resourceful and think outside the box so easily… while I am supposed to be the teacher, they often teach me more.
If you can’t solve that problem, can you solve another slightly easier problem? Sometimes it is the level of difficulty that is too high for the moment, and you have to find something a little less challenging and repeatedly conquer that before you are capable of the more challenging problem. You may also be experiencing some anxiety because you are telling yourself you can’t remember it or do it. To work on this you will have to change your attitude toward your ability and working on the easier problems may also help you gain more confidence.
These are just suggestions from a veteran teacher who works with many students with the same issues; these are the things I’ve seen help the most. I hope they help you!
No, pantyhose should not hurt. If they hurt, they are too small. The problem with pantyhose that don’t go up so high is that they end up rolling down and bunching weirdly if they can’t anchor themselves high up. They are not as sturdy as leggings, which is why they roll down.
I hope that helps!
Congratulations, Ballshapedman! That takes dedication. It’s been fun watching your progress.
Thank you for the encouragement! I hope to soon at least be an unspeakable horror!