ElectronNumberSeven [she/her]

I’m living downwind from dick city

  • 3 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 19th, 2023


  • This is almost word-for-word how I feel and what I’ve done, like with some details swapped I could have written this. I’m currently mid twenties and spent my early twenties being a NEET living in what what suppose to be my dad’s office but I’m now back in college. Also just doing a degree for practical reasons, my real passions are art and cooking but I know I can’t make careers out of either, and I constantly think about changing my major but I think it’s too late at this point. I have tried to find and take some classes that I’m passionate about though which has helped make things better

    I don’t really cope with the manchild in recovery feeling, it just eats away at me every day. It makes it hard to want to interact with other students because I’m like 4-5 years older than a lot of the students I run into and I don’t really fit in with them, but also at the same time I don’t fit in with the “older going back to school midlife” kind of people either. But as a trans woman I have the same missing out fears and anxieties about a ton of experiences in life so it really isn’t a new feeling for me. I normally just stress drink or stress eat to cope, either of which are healthy though. I’m really really really trying to push myself to ingrain with college this semester and have taken way more classes than I normally would and am trying to go to clubs even if it feels weird and awkward and like I’m out of place, I’m trying to power through it

    I wish I could provide more advice but I’m just as lost as you are on all of this stuff, maybe knowing someone else who’s right where you’re at might make things better a little. I hope things improve for you though meow-hug