“MetaGoneMad” social media devolved into chaos. Selfies got replaced with close-up nostril shots. The “like” button exploded into a “passive-aggressive comment” button. Algorithm recommended enemies, not friends. Hashtags turned into full-blown novels. People craved simplicity, but MetaGoneMad embraced absurdity. Society sighed and yearned for a simpler era of actual conversations.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • The article lacks balanced analysis and relies on opinions and assumptions rather than concrete evidence to support its claims.

    Biased Tone: The article adopts a strongly biased tone against Putin and his allies, portraying them negatively without offering a balanced perspective.

    Lack of Evidence: It makes sweeping claims about Putin’s alliances and motives without providing substantial evidence or sources to support these claims.

    Oversimplification: The article oversimplifies complex geopolitical relationships and characterizes leaders like Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin in a one-sided manner.

    Speculative Assertions: The author makes speculative assertions about the motives behind Russia’s alliances with North Korea, Iran, and others, without concrete proof.

    Generalizations: The article makes generalizations about leaders, countries, and alliances, which can be misleading and fail to capture the nuances of international politics.

    Lack of Objectivity: The author’s strong bias and emotional language detract from the article’s objectivity and credibility.