In the current economic climate that would probably just kickstart inflation all over again.
I’m hoping for a gradual decrease to 2-2.5%
In the current economic climate that would probably just kickstart inflation all over again.
I’m hoping for a gradual decrease to 2-2.5%
I made note of the pharmacies that ran that propaganda with signs with scare tactics on them and refuse to use any of them.
You can basically get the cheapest plan around and try to use whatever benefits it does provide.
I went with a non-profit.
I’m on a similar income and live in the highest cost of living part of the country, so I have to ask, how is it you’re unable to buy?
I bought my house this year and granted it took a while saving up but with our income this high the mortgage barely registers. Early days but we’re on track to pay off the home in under 10 years.
Guards should not be able to deny water.
If an inmate is being wasteful then water could be supplied another way but there is no circumstance where denying water is just.
The cell logs sound exactly like the kind of lazy cunts I expect to be working as a guard.
This is probably a much better source of info, but from what I can see length isn’t a consideration.
For some reason I thought it was 7.5cm but length isn’t mentioned here at all. Still having a valid reason means the majority of knives are fine, exceptions being something like a stilleto knife which has no valid use in peace time.
You aren’t allowed to carry a knife above a certain length without a valid reason.
I’ve carried much larger knives without any issue because I had a valid reason. Even a machete is fine if you’re actually using it for its intended purpose.
To be honest it REALLY sounds like you support the law
I am leaning towards not sterlising minors being a good thing because it is a life altering decision that Im not convinced a minor can make.
If you can’t be trusted to responsibly consume alcohol how can you be trusted to choose to be sterilised?
if you cared about factual reporting you would have also released the policy memo
I don’t follow US politics closely enough to be aware of the memo but I did read about the actual policy that was passed. As for banning puberty blockers, that isn’t what was passed by 81 Democrats.
I’m in a country with universal healthcare and laws play very little role in the practice of medicine.
Name the country and I will disprove your claim. Healthcare is always political, from the structure (public vs private) to what care is legal.
It’s pretty intellectually dishonest to frame doctors as mad scientist lobotomists barely restrained by a set of laws
It is even more dishonest to ignore history, the people who suffered and the progress that was made largely through changes to laws. Sometimes as a result of activism or protest.
you’ve got a lot of backwards conservative/incel beliefs
That’s amusing, Im married with children, vote left and support Unions
“tax dollars not spent to directly benefit YOU are a waste”
Wrong. Government spending that doesn’t benefit society as a whole is wasteful. There are never enough funds to sort every problem out and the particular topic you’re referring to here was a change by a centre left government that I support.
But you don’t care that laws aren’t what’s doing the protecting in those situations.
Go open a history book. That’s exactly what the laws are doing. You talk like someone with zero understanding of how governments work, or the history that has shaped governments and the systems they govern.
Huh, I actually read that claim in a journal, TIL
The actual section says ‘sterilisation’ which would be permanent
What are the chances councils will approve the building of Churches, Synagogues and Mosques within strategic radius of city centres to make all protests within a city automatically illegal?
Surely it is zero.
Australia’s antisemitism envoy
Australia’s Pro-Israel propagandist
To be clear, I am not endorsing the decision or criticising, I merely sought to state the fact of the change.
I believe it is important to be clear and factual when reporting and discussing such changes to avoid causing unnecessary panic, alarm and outrage. While the actual change is provided in an article linked from the one in the OP it isn’t directly stated in this article.
The language used in the article makes this sound like a much more impactful change than I suspect it is.
“Section 708.” This clause would prohibit TRICARE from covering any medical treatments for gender dysphoria in transgender youth under 18 that “could result in sterilization.”
To address your points
But WHY do we need this?
It could be argued that those under 18, as minors and not adults, can not consent to sterilization. We know that human brains are still developing until around 26 years old, so allowing someone under 18 to make such an enormous life altering decision may be irresponsible of society. Again, I am not aiming to endorse this decision, merely trying to understand the possible logic behind it.
If this was never something that cost money why are we spending the time of our most expensive politicians in this?
Cost is hardly the only factor that should be considered when politicians are making decisions, ethical and moral factors should also apply, though I doubt many politicians are aware things such as morals exist.
idiotic meddling of politics in medicine
For better or worse healthcare for is political for everyone, even in countries with universal healthcare. Healthcare is an enormous part of the social fabric of nations, of their economy, and impacts everyone. Healthcare professionals can hardly be trusted to always act in the best interest of people (see the Tuskege experiments, lobotomies and more) and so laws must be passed and enforced.
To be clear, it defunds any treatment for body dysmorphia that would result in infertility for under 18s, which does not exclude the most common forms of care for under 18s.
If you’re encouraging responsible ownership the very first step is secure storage.
A gun safe and a separate ammo safe.
That is the absolute first step to ensuring there are no accidental discharges. Most people are shot with their own gun, in their own home, by themselves or a family member.
Cost of living has an enormous impact on youth, poor parents are under significantly increased stress which results in not just the inability to afford necessities but also increases domestic violence, divorce rates and suicides.
The article, while not great, is clearly the refutation of claims made by Ed Husic. The onus of proof would then be on Ed.
From your first link
One only has to look at the origins of the word ‘Science’. It comes from the Latin word ‘Scientia’, which simply means ‘to know’.
To suggest that there are any groups of human beings who didn’t have science is, ironically, quite unscientific.
This completely dismisses that science is a formalised practice of the scientific method and is akin to claiming that any knowledge is science which I reject.
I have yet to read the other sources provided, which I will get to when I have the time.
Then show us a single hypothesis formed by Indigenous peoples pre-colonisation.
Seems federated comments are several days behind.
Anyway that’s a swing and a miss, that stupid bitch died alone and taking social security payments.
I support Unions and workers.
You better tell the reserve bank and most economists that rates don’t impact inflation, it would be some rather ground breaking news.