CyborgMarx [any, any]

  • 50 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • CyborgMarx [any, any]@hexbear.netto Anarchist Memes @lemmy.mlVWOOM
    6 months ago

    Yeah no, the one state is the only future, and if you’re squatting in a Palestinian family’s home your ass is getting evicted so you best come to terms with that

    I hope you enjoy your future Palestinian citizenship and can look back on your old racist self with disgust and shame, it’s honestly more than you deserve

  • Honestly dude if I lost a debate as hard as you did I wouldn’t be spouting this psychobabble diarrhea

    you believe in stuff and that’s bad cause I don’t believe in anything” is never the place you want to be in a discussion, you basically admitted you have no clue what the fuck you’re talking about and because your opponent does that somehow makes them mentally ill??? jesse-wtf

    Seriously get a grip

  • I don’t know, I think theres quite a gap bewteen actively shitting on white nationalist tropes and concepts and screaming “im one of the good ones!” at every poc who walks by

    And reducing that spectrum to “because you hate yourself or your parents or whatever” is ironically enough, also cringe

    Hate to point out the obvious, but white supremacy won’t dissappear unless “white people” actaully talk about it and I’ve read enough Thanksgiving posts on this site to know alot of you patsy mfs got some white citizens council-ass family members who need a good talking to