Actually, this town has more than enough room for the two of us

He/him or they/them, doesn’t matter too much

  • 6 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


  • If by “here”, u mean lemmy, then yes. They were hexbear ppl.

    I meant here, otherwise your comment wouldn’t make sense in context.

    Socialism is the transitory state to communism. I believe in the communist utopia and I believe that this cooperative kind of market socialism will lead us there.

    Socialism is only a transitional state towards Communism if you restructute the state entirely to eliminate the tendency for Market Economies to liberalize as competing elements monopolize. Coops are good within Capitalism but certainly aren’t the road to Communism themselves.

    I would disagree there. I would love to explain why, but I’m really tired right now to type much stuff out. Ik it’s a cop out. I’m sorry.

    That’s fine. If you want to read more, Luxemburg’s Reform or Revolution is a great essay on why the vast majority of Socialists and Communists are revolutionary.

    Eh… Most socialists where I’m from have such views. MLs are in fact the rarity in my experience offline.

    You likely live in an area with more liberals than Socialists, so the views of Socialists will trend towards those that fit the nicest with Liberalism, or pose the least danger to the status quo historically. That doesn’t make you a liberal, but at a global scale Marxist-Leninists make up the vast majority of leftists.

    Additionally, not all revolutionary Socialists are Marxist-Leninists. Anarchists, Ultraleftists, Syndicalists, Council Communists, and many Market Socialists are Revolutionary. Again, reading Luxemburg is a great path to understanding why that is.

  • Did that happen here, or are you projecting that onto others?

    As for supporting cooperatives, you’d be a Market Socialist, so not a Communist, but not really liberal either.

    As for the question of Reform or Revolution, it’s pretty clear by this point that Reform might as well be impossible. Revolutionary Leftists would certainly love reform if it worked, but you can clearly see what happened to Allende the last time a Marxist won democratically. You can even see last night’s attempted coup in Bolivia against the Social Democrat Arce.

    As such, the majority of Socialists are Revolutionary, so you have more fringe views.

  • Oh, it appears I was wrong. You reject all of Marxism, including his critique of Capitalism via rejection of the Labor Theory of Value. Money is a representation of Exchange-Value, it doesn’t simply exist in our minds. Recognizing income differences is not an anti-Materialist take, pretending these happen for no reason is a rejection of attempting to understand Capitalism itself, and reality.

    This is Idealism at its peak, and is a complete misunderstanding of what Materialists mean when referencing Social Relations. If you genuinely want to understand Dialectical Materialism, please read Elementary Principles of Philosophy by Politzer. Materialists understand social relations.

    Alice’s drive towards revolution is due to her material conditions, which are caused by the material reality of Capitalism.

    You are an enemy of Marxism and Marxists because you reject all 3 pillars of Marxism: Critique of Capitalism via the Labor Theory of Value, advocacy for Socialism as a way to build towards Communism, and Dialectical and Historical Materialism. Pretending to be the “One True Communist” while completely disavowing history’s most important Communist in every major manor is just anticommunism.

  • Have you by any chance read The Communist Manifesto or Critique of the Gotha Programme? Both are very short reads, and give some level of idea of what Marx is directly advocating for, as opposed to his general critique of Capitalism or his philosophical work on Dialectical Materialism. Marx was no Anarchist, he advocated for building Communism over time. This didn’t mean “waiting for the state to one day turn on the Communism switch,” that ignores his entire philosophy of Historical Materialism, whereby societal contradictions are worked out over time, as nothing is inherently static and everything is in motion.

    None of this requires any of Lenin’s work to be read at all.

    If you’re saying that a “True Communist” would somehow magically create Communism directly via revolution and not over time, then Marx was not a “True Communist.” At this point, you’re deeply silly, and simply redefining Anarchism as “True Communism” to win a game of semantics and label all non-Anarchists as conservatives.