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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2021

  • LOL.

    Yeah, that’s why the north is evacuated and Hezbollah is striking the north of Israel with impunity. How’s that Iron dome working in the North?

    Secondly, Hezbollah is probably, pound for pound, the most competent military force in the region right now. You want to discount that to feel safe, well, that’s part of the fuck around and find out. Thirdly, Iran will have this as an Casus Belli to enter the conflict, and the PMU’s in Iraq have already stated they will invade in the event of an invasion of Lebanon.

    The only powers in the region that are threat to them are Turkey, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia.

    This is what makes it clear that you are not a serious person in the area. Saudi Arabia couldn’t beat the poorest nation in the world with American planes, Columbian mercenaries, American refueling, and American intelligence all while starving the nation in an attempted genocide.

    Saudia Arabia as a regional military power? That’s a bad joke. I can’t believe you wrote that with a straight face.

  • Having an opinion on privacy is having an opinion on a political topic, and yet you cross posted this to the privacy … Sub-lemmy?

    This will be a hyperbolic statement, but it is true, none the less.

    Creating technology without consideration for how it is used inevitably helps bad people do horrible things. The person who devised the gas chambers for the Nazis should have considered it’s politics. Warner Von Braun cared about rocketry over anything else, to the point that he didn’t consider the politics and was happy to use slave labor to help him get to space.

  • The scenario I described is World War 3.

    That what Bibi, and Biden with his unwavering support, are playing with.

    then you’re sorely mistaken about how truly insane US defense spending is.

    NevermindNoMind already made this point to you but it bears repeating, Money spent doesn’t translate into combat effectiveness. In fact, it tends to actually go against it. EDIT: Or, more specifically, money spent on individual weapon systems. The best weapon is the cheap one that can be mass produced, even if there are better weapon systems.

    Ansarallah has been clear that part of their missile strategy is to eat into our budgets. They’ve been winning by that strategy. The total cost of their drones/missiles used against the US was in the several hundred thousand range, and the estimate for the missile defense ammo the US has used is around a billion dollars, and that was several months ago. Even the US can’t compete with that cost disparity.

    Secondly, it doesn’t matter how many ships you have if you can’t resupply them with ammo. America outsourced its production capabilities. It didn’t outsource its weapon production facilities, but we can’t convert the facilities we don’t have any more to support increased ammo production, and we don’t have enough weapons factories to supply the requisite ammo for continued operations in a modern war.

    Third, your usage of “just planes and helicopters” is stupid beyond description. I am not willing to agree with you that the US will have air superiority in all theaters, which sadly is what its military doctrine both requires and assumes. (Which, by the by, is why the NATO trained Ukrainians did so poorly with their spring offensive. It’s not their fault they couldn’t use tactics that assume air superiority that they didn’t have, but jesus the NATO people switched to racism right quick to explain the failure.) However, other countries doctrine assumes that air superiority won’t be theirs.

    Iran, for example, assumes they won’t have air superiority from the start and so they spent most of their engineering time on missile technology. The Russians have tried to compete with their aircraft, but focused mainly on their G2A anti-air defenses. Now, even with Syria and Ukraine, there still isn’t a lot of info on the effectiveness of the S400 in against the American Airforce.

    It also doesn’t account for the huge disparity in drone deployment capability which is frankly the future of the next war. And the US fails at this completely. The two main US drones cost 30 and 40 million a piece when the name of the game here is CHEAP. Frankly, Iran and now Russia beat our pants off on this topic. Even Hezbollah and Ansarallah have confirmed US drone kills. This is the scariest part. Culturally in the American military right now, being involved with drones was not seen as a career advancer, and definitely not something you’d want to put money into serious research.

    This is more than I meant to write in response to a comment that basically amounts to a middle-schooler pounding their chest while screaming “My daddy can beat up your daddy” so I’m going to end it here.

    If you think money translates to military readiness and sound doctrine, then you’re not thinking about this very hard at all.

  • The situation is not static at all.

    Hezbollah has significantly improved upon their capabilities during that time period. Also, as a corollary to this, weapons technology in general has significantly advanced in a form that brings various capabilities to state actors that didn’t use to have the tech or financial base to support them.

    Guidance systems, avionics, electronics, and drones are changing the face of warfare in a way that removes a lot of the tech advantages rich nations had over poorer nations. But, the richer nations (And this isn’t just about Israel, but most of the western states) are sticking their heads in their sand because their weapons manufactures are used to being used more for laundering tax payer money to the right people then for making great weapons. The main drones for the US cost between 30-40 million EACH!

    Furthermore, Israel is going through all of the copium that settler colonialist societies go through when their martial superiority is starting to come into question. They clutch harder to their beliefs that make them feel secure. Israel withdrew in 2006 and declared themselves victors when it was obvious that they were not victors at all. Now, that is all that Israel remembers about 2006. That they won. That is what they truly believe.

    There are a lot of delusions that are about to break here. That is why I say that if they try with Hezbollah, that it will be a ‘Find Out’ stage.

    EDIT: Also, people tend to use the wrong measurement for what they consider to make an army strong. One of the most important factors is a willingness for a military to take causalities. There are very few armies stronger than Hezbollah by this measurement, whereas Israel has been very weak on this front since the early 2000’s. Having a conscript army will do that.

  • You’re also a racist that believes all Palestinians want to kill all Israelis.

    You state this openly, and then post a link to a study that doesn’t make that claim at all or anything resembling it and call it a source. Which, of course, isn’t how sources work. This is how sources work: https://lemmy.ml/post/15906506/11178832 The important bit there is that the source actually shows what I said it shows because I’m not a bad faith liar that enjoys justifying genocide.

    You’re already insisting one side is good and one side is bad when you intentionally, and surreptitiously lie to try and get people to think your racist statement is true, hoping they don’t actually click through to your so-called sources.

    So, please, pardon me if I don’t believe your bullshit pretending you want peace between the two sides.

  • That’s Southern Lebanon.

    The political organization for the West Bank is the Palestinian Authority. It is viewed as completely subservient to the Israel government to the point of allowing the IDF to take Palestinian children hostages (Technically the IDF calls it an arrest, but there are no charges, and often times no trials. It is functionally equivalent to kidnapping.)

    Regardless, you’ve made it clear you have literally no idea what you’re talking about and you are doing so in defense of the slaughter of innocent children.

  • Using that same logic, most of the Hamas members targeted by the Israelis are also civilians.

    Remember, Hamas is a singular governmental organization that kept the militant wing separate from the civilian wing. i.e. Gazan Hospital Administator? Hamas.

    That is a literal justification Israel has used to justify killing Gazan civilians, including police officers.

    So, which is it? Are IDF reservists military, or are Gazan police and hospital administrators civilians?

    You don’t get to have both.

  • Yes, the response to Israel doing something is indeed always more severe than when any other country does it.

    This is you doing the bad faith thing again. You knew what I meant. I can back it up with facts. But instead you don’t engage with something that you can’t back up, and just ignore the point I’m making.

    There is not a single country on this planet which would tolerate an organization like Hamas remaining in power after an event like Oct 7.

    Too bad the IDF is really just an air force that hasn’t yet learned the lesson that an air force can’t hold territory, and the only strategy they have is bombing civilians when the militants absolutely own most of the engagements they get into with the conscript army.

    In other words, Israel has to learn to live with Hamas, because they can’t handle them any way other then through genocide.

    Also, you don’t make peace with your friends. You make peace with your enemies. That is why it is called making peace, and why it is hard.

  • Putting things in stupid caps doesn’t change international law. It also doesn’t change what literally every other nation in the world is expected to do, and does, in times of war.

    You’re literally expecting different treatment for Israel, allowing them to commit war crimes, because they’re … special?

    You do realize that having a different response to Israel doing something versus other countries is literally one of the definitions of antisemitism from the IHRA, right?

    I wish the Israelis weren’t intent on intentionally causing as much collateral damage as possible to intentionally thin the population to a minimum(An intention actually stated by Bibi.)