CombatLiberalism [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 31st, 2023


  • I’m hitting a bit of a mental block trying to come up with names for a story I’m working on if anyone would like to help out a bit. The group I’m naming chooses a name at 18 generally based on things they wish for their future adult selves, such as goals they want to accomplish, traits and skills they want to cultivate, virtues they want to embody, things like that. I’ll take any suggestions and reply with what they would be in the language I have set up for these guys.

    Silliness is encouraged, they’re in a conlang anyway and most people today don’t associate the name Peter with stone so I can handwave calling someone the equivalent of like Hog-Cranker 9000 if I like the name enough