• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • 2017 twitch had a “whispers” product. Sounds like direct messages twitch.

    He was sexting a minor. A twitch employee confirmed he was sexting her even after he learned her age. He tried to setup a meetup at twitchcon.

    He might be legally pseudo protected by twitch having minimum age requirements. I’m not a lawyer so I don’t know why the company just banned him instead of referring it to the cops. This all could have been secret if he had just kept his mouth shut and not bad mouthed the company with all the deets.

    Source: Wikipedia and a podcast (don’t remember which one)

  • The rules read like a fucking committee got together to compromise on shit.

    Chairman: ok, so I hear one side wants them excoriated to save their souls. And the other side says they’re just humans who want to be saved by the Jesus. Can we agree on low key shunning?

    Its new rules, in addition to expanding on an existing rule that prevents transgender people from being baptized, also prohibit transgender people from working with children or serving as priests or teachers.

    The church’s handbook states that those “who transition away from their biological sex at birth are welcome to attend sacrament meetings” and participate in “many other ways”. It also encourages these individuals and their families to confer with local leaders regarding their church participation. The new guidelines, however, significantly limit such participation.

    The policy now states that members who have transitioned in any way — whether that transition is social, medical or surgical — cannot stay at youth camps overnight and may only use single-occupancy restrooms at church meetinghouses. Alternatively, a “trusted person” must be stationed outside the restroom to keep others from entering when a transgender person uses a restroom that aligns with their personal gender identity.