CindyTheSkull [she/her, comrade/them]

  • 0 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2022

  • I appreciate that comment. I may have been too reactive and harsh in my response, and apologize for that. It is admittedly one of my “peeves” when someone I’d otherwise consider a comrade seems to advocate specifically for killing innocents and children as a means to punish the people who do deserve the pit and worse.

    I absolutely share your anger, even rage for the demon shitstains supplying WP to aid a genocide. And to be clear, it’s not that they don’t deserve to see their own family killed in the same way they are facilitating the unimaginably painful murder of other families, I just personally think it’s important for us as leftists to draw a line against targeting innocent people especially for the sake of vindictiveness. In other words, if we could somehow make the guilty fascists think that was happening to their own family without actually doing that to the innocent members of their family, I’d have zero problem with that, in fact I’d be all for it. Since we were discussing hypotheticals, I actually rather like that one.

    Well wishes to you, I should probably log off for a bit too.

  • You:

    Eh, fuck em. It’s killing somebody’s families either way, might as well be theirs.

    Also you:

    Save your indignation for those who deserve it.

    lol. picard

    If we’re just talking hypotheticals here, why is it so hard for you to say that it would be bad, hypothetically, to kill a 3 year old with white phosphorus?

    What you’re apparently trying to say is that your comments advocating for killing entire families based on the crimes of one of their members is that you’re posing this hypothetical situation to people here on lemmy who are in a position to target/profit from/earn a living from white phosphorus. And that doing so will perhaps get them to imagine the horrors and change their ways. Really? K. Keep fighting that good fight then. As a final note, believe me, those who deserve my indignation aren’t getting any less of it just because I took a moment to call out a chuddy comment.

  • Why not skip the middle step?

    Go ask the NATO bloc and their supporters. The obvious and surface answer is that it has to do with making for an easy “us-vs-them” identifier. “Of course they’re bad, they aren’t white like us good wholesome folk are, who are inherently good and wholesome because we’re white, and being good and wholesome makes us right and correct in what we do and you can tell because we’re white. The ones who are bad clearly aren’t like us. They’re not white!” Yes, it is circular reasoning and garbage logic. But I don’t know why you’re getting pissy at us for that instead of the dipshits white people who keep moving the goalposts on the meaning of whiteness, as they always have done to suit their agenda. Take it up with them.

  • As I already said, you have no understanding of what settler-colonialism is, and your disgusting (and actually racist) insistence that the Palestinians (who we agree are being genocided right now) will simply genocide everyone living on their stolen land is testament to your ignorance. You know how space_comrade pointing out you were telling on yourself by spouting a Zionist delusional fear, and that it is pure projection? Well it really is both those things: delusional and projection.

    Most of what you said I already addressed, and you seemed to have missed it, so it doesn’t make me very keen to respond to it again. But this part:

    you should be looking for a solution that doesn’t involve destroying a nation and its people.

    is very revealing. Destroying a STATE is not the same thing as destroying a people and it’s very sneaky to pretend that it’s the same thing.

    The site I already linked has a FAQ, and here is one entry from it:

    Does Israel have a right to exist?

    People have a right to self-determination, but no state in the world has a right to exist. This ‘right’ simply has no foundation, and Israel is not special in this regard. More here

    Since I don’t expect people to always read when something is linked, even when they absolutely should do so if they have even a passing interest in actually understanding the situation they are talking about (let alone talking as if they have the solution, lol) I am going to paste another piece from the write-up that I linked and suggested you read in my last comment. It puts the lie to your insistence that a Palestinian state (which is the only way forward that is congruent with both justice and long-term peace) would also necessitate another genocide.

    Everything below is from:

    These anxieties are not unique to Jewish Israelis, settlers in many different colonies throughout history have echoed these same sentiments. If we were to take a look at the narrative surrounding anti-Apartheid South Africa activism and boycotts, we would find eerily similar projections and arguments.

    For example, In an article for the Globe and Mail under the title “The good side of white South Africa” Kenneth Walker argued that ending the Apartheid system and giving everyone an equal vote would be a “a recipe for slaughter in South Africa”. Others, such as Shingler, echoed similar claims, saying that anti-racist activists were actually not interested in ending Apartheid as a policy, but in South Africa as a society. Others came out to claim these activists were actually motivated by “anti-white racism”, fueled by “Black imperialism”. Political comics displayed a giant soviet bear, bearing down on South Africa declaring “We shall drive South Africa into the Sea!”

    Sound familiar?

    Yet even when it is rarely acknowledged that Palestinian refugees were wronged, and deserve to return home, the refrain is that while it is tragic, it is the only way to keep the Jewish people safe. Once again, this pretense is hardly unique to Jewish Israelis, as a matter of fact, similar arguments were used against the abolition of slavery in the United States. For example, Thomas Jefferson likened slavery to a wolf:

    “we have the wolf by the ear, and we can neither hold him nor safely let him go. Justice is in one scale, and self-preservation in the other.”

    How utterly ridiculous this all sounds now.

    While the first approach is crude and vile propaganda, designed to instigate fear and panic, it is par for the course for settler societies. Perhaps the second approach stands out a little bit more for its brazen attempt at manipulation. In a final endeavor to center their experiences and erase their victims, settlers frame themselves as the stars of their own tragedy, in the end they were the tragic victims of fate, forced to wield injustice for the sake of self-preservation.

    Underlying the logic of both of these approaches are racist assumptions that the colonized are barbaric, bloodthirsty and ruthless. It is a deeply dehumanizing logic, steeped in every colonial and Orientalist trope. The idea that a decolonized, free Palestine would inevitably lead to genocide comes from this same logic. As a matter of fact, for all the claims of the Palestinians wanting to push Israelis into the sea, only the opposite has occurred in reality.

    Regardless of your ideological leanings, the reality is that we are already living under a de facto one-state reality. Israeli politicians proudly boast about never allowing a Palestinian state to materialize. Israeli school books already erase the green line. Israel already rules the lives of everyone there. Palestinians calling for the dissolution of this naked colonialism is legitimate and just. The fact that Palestinians are even asked to guarantee the well-being and welfare of their oppressors as they are killed, imprisoned and brutally repressed daily is a testament to their utter dehumanization.

  • Removing the Israeli state “from the river to the sea” as you say, would mean another genocide.

    No it fucking wouldn’t. Completely dismantling the STATE of Israel, a terroristic settler-colonizer project, would not necessitate a genocide in any way and by pretending it does, you’re doing the propaganda work for the actual genocidaires.

    I guess at the end of the day, it’s always ok to commit a genocide, but only if it’s your side committing it, eh?

    Stfu with your false equivalency bullshit. Let’s use the stolen house analogy that was used elsewhere in this thread because it is apt. If a group of armed assholes comes into your house and starts killing off your family, claiming your house as their own, your doing everything within your power to get them back out of your house is not committing a crime at all, let alone one that is equivalent to the crime they are currently perpetrating against you.

    The real solution is to create two states, one for the Jews, one for the Palestinians, create a well-defined border

    Consider again the analogy above and ask yourself if the real solution is letting those who came in your house and killed your family have their own kitchenette, bathrooms, and bedrooms in your house, just with new walls. When they’ve been saying the whole time (as they were killing your family) that that’s all they actually wanted to do.

    The following is from: which you should read in full.

    Is the two-state solution the only viable solution?

    Viable for whom and for what?

    The two-state solution is inadequate to right historical wrongs, as it focuses on the pre-1967 borders as a starting point, which are in themselves a product of the colonization of Palestine, and not the root cause of it. It is thus preoccupied with finding solutions to symptoms, rather than dare address the root cause, which is Zionist settler colonialism and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

    This automatically means that Palestinians must relinquish any rights or hopes for their millions of refugees, and it also means that Palestinians must relinquish their rights to live in over 80% of the land they were ethnically cleansed from. Consequently, resource distribution, from water to fertile land, will be heavily stacked in Israel’s favor.

    Shortly put, the two-state solution is more interested in maintaining Israel’s colonial gains and artificial demographic aspirations, and lending them legitimacy, rather than seeking justice for the Palestinians in any form.

    You should really go ahead and read the other myths discussed there too.

    stop it with the holy wars, stop it with the persecutions, stop it with the genocides, stop it with the forced resettlement, stop it with terror attacks, stop it with the bombings

    Only one “side” is doing all that and is the only one that has the power to immediately stop doing all of that. Instead, it keeps doing all of that. I wonder why it hasn’t stopped. thonk

    and stop it with religions altogether.

    Seriously? You are a clown. And I say that as an atheist myself.

    Everyone has the right to live, so just live and let live

    Oh, just give peace a chance, right? My god liberals are so fucking vapid. This is not a situation with two sides of equivalent means and committing equivalent atrocities with an equivalent power to stop the violence. It is extremely asymmetric in every sense, including the fact that one side is currently conducting an open genocide against the other which is disproportionately made up of children. I would guarantee that most of the Palestinian people would do just about anything to be able to live and let live but Israel will not have that - they never have and they never will, which is the nature of all settler-colonial projects which you clearly don’t understand.

  • Latin America has been westernized by continuous economical, cultural, and imperialist influence by the United States (and other global north countries), it doesn’t make sense to think of our countries as some non-Western society, it’s inaccurate and a bad framework to try to change our life.

    I’m going to paste what I said in another comment replying to another user just because it mostly applies here too.

    Look, neither you or I get to define what “the West” means. It is a racist concept, but that’s the unfortunate reality of the situation. “The West” is not defined by who thinks they should belong to it, it’s defined by the material reality of exploitation. It’s nearly synonymous with “Imperial Core.” If you’re in the periphery, you are not part of “The West” no matter how much your society mirrors so-called western culture. Just as a regular worker is not part of the bourgeoisie no matter how much they want to be. There are the exploiters and the exploited. Latam, on the global stage, is exploited by the imperial core and there is no escaping that fact. The exploiters will never see it as part of their club because they’re exploiting it! It’s not like we (hexbears or leftists in general) see this as a good thing or want to perpetuate it. We want to tear it the fuck down. But we can’t deny material reality, and it seems like that’s what you’re trying to do by insisting that Latam is western and getting mad at us for the fact that it’s largely racism that determines who belongs to the in-group “Western” and who doesn’t.

    We may not be part of the west in a historical sense, but we are westernized countries living in the world that the West has created for us with violence.

    Absolutely. So you do see it is “The West” that unfortunately gets to define who belongs in the club, and it does so via violence. The West has violently created the world you live in, but that does not make the world you live in part of it, no matter how many people around you mistakenly think it does.

  • Look, neither you or I get to define what “the West” means. It is a racist concept, but that’s the unfortunate reality of the situation. “The West” is not defined by who thinks they should belong to it, it’s defined by the material reality of exploitation. It’s nearly synonymous with “Imperial Core.” If you’re in the periphery, you are not part of “The West” no matter how much your society mirrors so-called western culture. Just as a regular worker is not part of the bourgeoisie no matter how much they want to be. There are the exploiters and the exploited. Latam, on the global stage, is exploited by the imperial core and there is no escaping that fact. The exploiters will never see it as part of their club because they’re exploiting it! It’s not like we (hexbears or leftists in general) see this as a good thing or want to perpetuate it. We want to tear it the fuck down. But we can’t deny material reality, and it seems like that’s what you’re trying to do by insisting that Latam is western and getting mad at us for the fact that it’s largely racism that determines who belongs to the in-group “Western” and who doesn’t.

  • I don’t know how I accomplished this tbh, but I curated my homepage recommendations pretty well. It got to a point where I would not watch certain videos not out of a lack of interest, but out of not wanting the algorithm to think I wanted to see more of that shit and keep things balanced. My homepage ended up being mostly the latest content from my subscriptions anyway, with something reasonably related to them thrown in here and there. In other words, it was mildly helpful.

    That was over a year ago though, and I don’t know if it’s changed, because I still fucking hate youtube, google, etc with a burning passion and exclusively use frontends like invidious or piped now. I have a redirect script on every browser I use to change any youtube link to one of those alternatives. I think you can still have subscriptions on some of them, but I don’t use that feature.

  • There are a few users who have names that kind of flaunt the fact they’re evading an old ban. (coughzedcough. excuse me, getting over covid again.) I took it the same way you did, that mods knew what was up, but were just like “don’t do it again and we’ll let it slide.” Fair enough, the way I see it, especially when they consistently post good takes… mostly. But then there are also sometimes prolific people who come back immediately after a recent ban with an obvious name and still expect mods not to do anything about it. Keep that popularity contest shit out of here, I would say.

  • Furthermore, I would even more strongly urge you not to report yourself to any authorities except in certain very extreme and particular circumstances.

    I can’t believe that needs to be said here. acab, 1312, All Cats Are Beautiful FFS! Did you mess up like bad with giving shit advice and having disgusting opinions and so you need to do some serious fucking self crit right now? Yeah, probably, it sure looks like it. In fact you should get on that now, if it means hashing it out with trusted comrades, or doing deep, painful, quiet, but honest self reflection, or going to a trained therapist yeah, go do THAT.

    But calling “the authorities”? “Turning yourself in?” For fucking what? Having a really bad take as your gut reaction to an emotionally complex and arguably manipulative post? No. No, calling the authorities would very clearly do nothing but pile on more shit decisions and faulty thinking to what you’ve already done, oh and maybe give you some sense of atonement or some shit? I don’t know, maybe not on that last one, since I don’t know what your motives are that deep down. But don’t fucking report yourself for having the wrong reaction to a post. picard

  • My god that’s depressing, but I think you’re 100% correct. I think about this every time I watch another piece of media where yet another rich, beautiful, tv/movie star (even when they’re coded as being plain and poor) is completely consumed with solving their SUPER important in-universe problem, a problem which if thought about for more than 3 seconds is actually the most trivial, mundane, and ultimately inconsequential “problem,” one that is easily solved when you consider the star’s exceptionally privileged material conditions at their disposal, yet is still totally a universally relatable problem of course.

    People watch that over and over and think “so that’s what American’s problems are like! Those lucky bastards! The culture I live in should be more like theirs, and then my problems would be more like theirs too.” even if it’s all subconscious. I mean, I know it happens to me way more than I like to admit even though I try to be aware of it and fight it off in my own mind. The soft power of hegemony as propagated through entertainment mediums is deep as fuck, insidious, tenacious, and overwhelmingly effective. One of the main reasons it works so well is that people like to think they’re immune to propaganda and are just having fun consuming some treats. (trying to channel @UlyssesT with that last sentence, he knew what I’m talking about.)

  • I have no people in my life anymore. I had to do regular check out at a grocery store instead of doing self checkout and I couldn’t even form sentences. I bought vodka so I couldn’t do self checkout. The checkout clerk asked me to pull my mask down to verify my ID after I showed my drivers license. For a split second I thought “aw, he’s being nice and pretending I might still pass for being under 40, let alone 21” then I realize he probably just didn’t like that I was wearing a mask and wanted me to take it off. Power thing? Who knows. I don’t. I don’t interact with people so I don’t know if I’m being paranoid or attentive and perceptive.