Being an ignorant Aussie I had to google Bashford Antiques and holy shit what a wild and entertaining ride that was
Being an ignorant Aussie I had to google Bashford Antiques and holy shit what a wild and entertaining ride that was
At least she has her looks. What a beautiful nitwit
I notice from the examples of his work on this page that his signature changed dramatically from work to work, but many look quite similar to the one on your picture. Some are written Kohler, some Köhler, both with the same style F, some have a different style entirely.
Slackware to start with, then redhat which seemed very slick and convenient in comparison. Had to drive all the way across the city to buy it on several CDs from some bloke cos my dial up internet was not up to the task. Then I found Debian and stuck with it for about 20yrs, but I think I had some kind of broadband by that point.
AKA cackleberries