The reärmament drive is scary, we need to see more popular pushback against this.
It might be scary, but not rearming may be scarier. If we’ve seen anything in recent history, it’s that two large countries run by leaders who are bullies care little for what you or I or anyone else wants.
You’re not wrong, but there’s an element of trust in anything like this and it’s all about your comfort level. How can you truly trust any code you didn’t write and complie yourself. Actually, how do you trust the compiler.
And let’s be honest, even if you trust my code implicitly (Hey, I’m a bofh, what could go wrong?) then that simply means that you’re trusting me not to do anything malicious to your system.
Even if your trust is well-placed in that regard, I don’t need to be malicious to wipe your system or introduce a configuation error that makes you vulnerable to others, it’s perfectly possible to do all that by just being incompetent. Or even being a normally competent person who was just having a bad day while writing the script you’re running now. Ooops.