Finally: Halt and Catch Fire, on a smaller budget, with a more confusing tone, and also an all-male cast.
Finally: Halt and Catch Fire, on a smaller budget, with a more confusing tone, and also an all-male cast.
Have you ever looked at a tree and thought, ‘Can I drink this?’
Sometimes the libs will coopt the left position and retroactively pretend it was the lib position the entire time (most dramatic example that comes to mind: the Civil Rights Movement) and that’s the best you can hope for.
“I should not have written this story.” -Ayn Rand
It’s the opening line of a short story she wrote in her early 20s, well before she developed her, ahem, hit formula.
In fairness, most of the avant-garde jazz groups that came out of Ann Arbor, MI at the end of the 80s were Goopenists. Two of the best known ones have names that are anagrams of “Spontaneous Councilism” (Opossum’s Canticle Union and Numinous Calico Stepson.) In fact I’m pretty sure Jean-Baptiste Frazzwell played at Goopen’s fourth wedding, although I have no idea who the backing musicians would have been, since this would have been before the second Frazztones lineup came together but after the first lineup died of hantavirus.
The truth is that life on farms from the Atlantic Seaboard to California bore little resemblance to the nostalgic ideal suggested by contemporary imaginings of the family farm. […] Camps, bunkhouses, lodges, taverns, and saloons were spaces rife with intimate and sexual relations that directly contravened dominant middle-class notions of sexual propriety: homosexuality, sexual barter and commerce, public and semi-public sex, and cross-dressing and gender fluidity.
If HBO made a show about this I would probably watch it.
Fark has been doing that for almost 25 years (e.g. every instance of the N-word becomes “attractive and successful African-American”) and I’d be lying if I said nobody had a problem with it, but people who see fit to challenge it tend to give up very quickly.