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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 21st, 2024

  • Who is relocating who because the Israelites, a tribe of Canaanites were living in the area since 3.000 BC as attested by pyramid hieroglyphs as being used as slaves by Egyptian pharaohs, then in 1.800 BC being relocated by the filistines (believed to be Aegean naval warriors, having nothing in common with the present day “palestinians” that came from the Arabian peninsula), an invading sea people, that occupied the area, then in 72 CE the invading Roman army relocated them again, then the Crusaders, then the Arab invaders occupied the area and relocated them again, then the Ottoman empire same story until the present day. 5.000 years of attested continual inhabitance of the territory by the jews, resisting waves and waves of home invaders, yet they’re in the wrong for trying to live peacefully in their own home. International law at its finest, always blaming the victim.

  • OMG! Disgusting! How dared they, from the ghettos of entire Europe where they were imprisoned and from escaping the progroms of tzarist Russia, systematically hunted, murdered, raped, robbed of their belongings and expulsed from their own houses all across the “civilized” world for the last 2.000 years, how dared they come up with going back to their own attested land since the age of pharaohs where they were living 5.000 years ago, expulsed by the filistine sea people invaders first at the end of bronze age, then Romans second, then Arab conquerors third, how dared they even think of going back to their homeland and propose the relocation of palestinians? Relocating is genocide! Funny how everything is blamed on Zionism and not on what caused the birth of Zionism in the first place. Eternal game of the colonialist powers of blaming the victims made their conscience sleep better with rivers of blood on their hands on top of the piles of gold and wealth “confiscated” from the Jews.

  • :)))))))))))))))) when your grandfathers were bending the knee to their supremacist masters and sucking their Nazi dicks to maybe get another goat to fuck as “reparations”, my grandfathers were slapping their Nazi butts around all over Europe. That’s what you all are. Some Nazi knee benders and terrorist enjoyers. You love to serve and to be slaves to the worst of the bunch. Now I’m enjoying the mighty IDF continuing my grandfathers work against the Nazi terrorist allies. In 4k ultra HD. JDAMs goes brrrrrrrrrrr. Everybody gets what it deserves. Hava Nagila! Have fun. You’re getting boring. I’m out.

  • Not bad but the mighty Jews now use more inventive ways than the noose to put out of their misery their enemies. All I can say is that the NILI and Shin Bet spec ops have a lot of fun hunting the October 7th psychopathic killers and their entire families and putting them all slowly through what the innocent families, the women and their babies from the likes of Kfar Aza went through. I almost feel sorry for those terrorists and their families. Ha, just kidding. They asked for it and deserve all that NILI, true angels of Yahveh’s wrath have in store for them. Operation Mivtza Za’am Ha’el 2.

  • Oh yeah, the imaginary children killed in munitions factories and hamas hiding spots below schools and hospitals… Love it how absolutely all the hamas “fighters” (cause they are brave only when decapitating Israeli children and raping teenagers going to rave parties), love how all of them wear civilian clothes carrying RPGs and mortars and sniper rifles and when the mighty IDF rekts them, the palestinian authority clowns start shouting look how they kill innocent civilians and children! But hey, terrorists LIE! Who would’ve imagined that!!! And as hamas bosses said, the more civilian deaths, the greater the victory. LOL! they’re pretty comfy in their Qatari billion dollars palaces enjoying the deaths of their people, unafased. And furthermore proof, a video leaked some days ago showing palestinians shooting palestinians by the aid trucks, hundreds of them. A trick older than the world to blame it on the IDF. While we’re still waiting for those videos hamas says it has of IDF tanks shooting at the aid trucks. Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies! Like they did when the palestinian jihad bombed that hospital and blamed it on the Jews. 500 killed they said LoL with the hospital absolutely intact, 3 cars burned in the parking lot and absolutely no proof about the dead. They can’t even fukin lie… Stupids af! As I said before, they’re not the smartest of the bunch. But don’t fretz Mossad is on the hunt for them and I heard the latest vengeance is driving excavators over the participants of October 7th massacre. Just as they deserve it! Allah is truly great and merciful! Praise Allah!

  • Awwwww, so frikin SALTY! I’m loving it! First, there’s no african putting food on my table, never have been, don’t own nothing to them. I have to wake up daily at 8 and work from 9 to 17 like my father before me and like his father before him and so on, so yeah, I don’t own nothing to a no good lazy ass scratching muppet that destroyed all the infrastructure and hospitals and schools the mighty civilized and cultured Europeans built for them just because they value the full of bs quran and 60 years old muhamed’s love for a 9 year old Aisha, more than science and progress. Start working you good for nothing lazy bastards and stop asking for charity! You ain’t getting none.

  • Thought u were smarter. You know the OG white supremacists, the Nazis and their Adolf were allied with the arabs in their fight and conquest and pillaging and destruction of the whole civilized world. Yup the same Arabs, like the Palestinians, that trade 1.7 million black and asian souls every year even to this day, with numbers on the rise. The “wonderful” modern kafala system. They’re your white supremacists, boiiii. So no, I’m not one of them. And one more reason for you to thank Israel they’re fighting it!