Traditional Owners Claim Bravus Breaking Emissions Laws

Mr Burragubba and his son Mr McAvoy have been fighting against mining operations by Indian company Adani and its Australian subsidiary Bravus for more than a decade.

Ms Rose said her clients are concerned that Bravus is committing an offence under the Environmental Protection Act by allegedly failing to comply with noise and dust emission controls for a ‘sensitive place’.

Ms Rose said the emissions are an unreasonable limitation of her clients’ cultural rights protected by the Queensland Human Rights Act.

Nagana Yarrbayn Cultural Custodians have been on the mine site and are presently conducting cultural ceremonies on Ngarra Waddananggu, including to strengthen relationships with the land and conserve and protect the land.

Bravus has campaigned against Mr Burragubba and Mr McAvoy, claiming the “Unauthorised protest camp on our mining lease was organised and bankrolled by the anti-fossil fuel lobby”.

  • Crikey Articles (paywall)

Australia ranks highly on many world rankings - like livability metrics and most of us feel lucky to be living here.

Our nature is wonderful, however sadly we also rank as one of the top in the ʻdeveloped world with the highest rate of deforestation’… Queensland bulldozes one tree every second!

The World Wide Fund for Nature-Australia has released Australia’s first national scorecard.

4ZZZ’s Eliot and Toni spoke with Vanessa Keogh, a conservation scientist from the World Wildlife Fund for Nature to discuss Australiaʻs first national ‘Tree Scorecard’.

Sunshine Coast Council and the University of the Sunshine Coast joined forces to create a an ecosystem function mapping resource that anyone can use, as part of the joint Valuing the Sunshine Coast’s Natural Assets research project.

Ecosystem services are the benefits that each type of ecosystem provides, including climate regulation, pollination, food supply, habitat and more.

“The Ecosystem Function Mapping and Reporting Tool is the first and only such platform in operation anywhere in the world, to our knowledge,” he said via a council press release.

Environment Portfolio Councillor Peter Cox said the research and mapping tool was already improving the way council made decisions by providing the “Big picture” on the region’s ecosystem services.

Researchers defined 19 types of ecosystem services, including pollination, climate regulation, habitat, water quality regulation and landscape opportunity, and ranked each ecosystem type’s contribution to that function.

Lawyers have written to Queensland environment minister Leanne Linard asking for an investigation into whether the Carmichael coal mine is complying with its environmental conditions.

The Carmichael mine is 160 kilomtres north west of Clermont in central Queensland.

“Our clients have made some complaints already and there hasn’t been any investigation of their complaint, any response from Adani or any monitoring of noise or dust on site at all as a response to those complaints,” she said.

Naga na Yarrbayn Cultural Custodians have been on the mine site and are presently conducting cultural ceremonies on Ngarra Waddananggu, including to strengthen relationships with the land and conserve and protect the land.

Mr McAvoy said people, animals and plants were being affected by large amounts of dust.