With a 4% withdrawal rate, my current investment balance supports a monthly equivalent to my takehome pay of one paycheck. So I’m basically getting 12 additional paychecks a year from my investment balance.
Congrats! That has to be a great feeling. We’re 16 years away and I’ve already started looking at it as “number of employers left”. I should only have to work for 4-5 more companies.
My most recent meaningless milestone:
With a 4% withdrawal rate, my current investment balance supports a monthly equivalent to my takehome pay of one paycheck. So I’m basically getting 12 additional paychecks a year from my investment balance.
Does that mean you’re less than 10 years away?
Most likely. I would guess 4-5 years if no major changes in lifestyle. Longer, and harder to guesstimate, if we decide to have kids.
Congrats! That has to be a great feeling. We’re 16 years away and I’ve already started looking at it as “number of employers left”. I should only have to work for 4-5 more companies.