So, before I say anything, this is not a ā€œcreepy pasta,ā€ or a fake story, or anything like that. Itā€™s a real experience I had, but, thatā€™s up for you to decide if you believe me, think I"m crazy, or whatever, but this is not an attempt to make a creepy pasta or scary story. Iā€™m no writer, Iā€™m a geography major in college. Perhaps a hallucination, or creation of my mind at the time, but it felt real to me. Very real. I have never had any mental illness other than depression/anxiety that are now medicated, but never anything more serious. At the time this happened, I hadnā€™t done any drugs other than a few beers after the incident to relax and get to sleep.

This was in 2017, I was turning 18 at the time, Iā€™m 23 nearly 24 now.

I havenā€™t told anyone in my personal life because of two reasons, one, theyā€™d think Iā€™m either A) Crazy, or more likely, B) making it up, and Iā€™ve a reputation for not being a liar, making things up, I hate being called a liar and have went out of my way in life to be as honest as I can, if not sometimes too honest, because I just hate being called a liar, even if I am actually lying in this case by neglecting to tell it, or when someone asks me if Iā€™ve ever had any ā€œsupernaturalā€ experiences, I just say ā€œno,ā€ but. . . I have. I just donā€™t want people to think Iā€™m crazy or lying, but itā€™s been years since this happened and I just had to tell someone, so here I am.

Also, for what itā€™s worth, Iā€™m not religious, Iā€™d say Iā€™m agnostic. I donā€™t really believe in the supernatural, but I also donā€™t say itā€™s impossible, as I donā€™t know everything. Far from it. This story doesnā€™t help. But I donā€™t believe in ā€œghost storiesā€ for the most part, UFOā€™s, etc. Iā€™m very skeptical of that stuff and believe there are explanations that are far less exciting than people would like to believe. But this is something Iā€™ve experienced that I canā€™t explain, and still bothers me to this day when I think of it, and when I have nightmares.

So, some backstory. My mother and little sister were going to visit my grandparents, they lived near this little town called ā€œeminence Missouri,ā€ about 30 mins south (I think south?) of the town deep in the mountains. It wasnā€™t super super remote, there were neighbors a few miles away and such, and they were the hillbilly types as you could imagine. Itā€™s deep in the Ozarks in Missouri, so yeah. Lots of missing teeth and meth and crazy oleā€™ mountain folk haha, if youā€™ve been in the Missouri hills you know what I mean.

So, we were staying in a camper about 200 or so foot from the grandparents house, my mom sister and I. One day a few hours before dark, I decided to get on the 4 wheeler and go into the woods. I had toyed around in the woods/hills a bit, but I wanted to get deep in there on teh 4 wheeler and haveh some fun.

So I filled the 4 wheeler up, asked my grandparents where the trail was (there was a trail that you could take to ride horses down, 4 wheelers, etc, and it was a one way road with no turn offs to get lost, so thatā€™s where they told me to go) and I drove off. I rode for about 40 mins in one direction until I was nearly half out of gas, and about this time, I was searing fo ra place to turn around and head back. It was a small and narrow trail so I had to wait until there was a small clearing to do a U turn.

Here is where things get weird. I remember as I was riding, the tress blowing in the wind, the bird songs, the animal noises, the wood peckers, all the wonderful noises of nature I love so much from teh woods. Suddenly, they all stopped. It went dead silent. I mean DEAD silent. I remember goosebumps going all over my body just from the lack of noise alone, knowing there were animals all around, but everything just went silent. It felt like I was in a noise vacuum or something. Everything felt different. Sounded different, or more accurately, sounded like nothing at all. The only noise was the brrrrrrrr of the 4 wheeler.

As I was riding down the mountain, I saw a huge deer, or antlered deer like animal, and I mean it was fucking massive, standing in the pathway I was driving on, about idk, 50 foot in front of me or something. Not exactly sure, but close, but not too close. It wasnā€™t there, then one second, it was.

It wasnā€™t moving. Just staring at me. It had dark, dark black eyes, like I was staring into nothingness. Intense darkness that stood out from the color of the forest very clearly. I still see this animal in my dreams, staring at me. I have nightmares every now and then about this animal, just staring at me. The antlers were nearly the size of itā€™s body itself. The antlers also looked. . . . like tree roots or something? Iā€™m not too familiar with deer, Iā€™ve never hunted or anything, but the antlers just. . . didnā€™t look like anything Iā€™ve ever seen on a deer or any animal that has antlers. Too large, and too ā€œspindly/windyā€ .Something about it just looked terribly off and I could feel my heart jump into my throat, and I stopped the 4wheeler instantly and just. . . stared at it. I was terrified, but also couldnā€™t help but. . . stare back. While it stared at me. I remember the wind started blowing and rustling the trees, and it sounded like the trees were. . . speaking to me in some language unknown. Or maybe I was just hearing things and scared out of my mind. I remember getting the feeling I was being told to ā€œleave and never returnā€. Thatā€™s all I could make out, but again, I never heard those words spoken. It was just a ā€œfeelingā€ I canā€™t explain it very well. I may not have ā€œunderstood the language,ā€ but it was clear. Like if you were in a country where you ddidnā€™t speak their language, came up to their house door, and started hearing them yell at you to leave, you may not understand the language, but you know what theyā€™re telling you. Thatā€™s how this felt. But in a language of wind, trees, nature. Jesus christ, I sound fucking insane.

So, I did. I fucking left. I hightailed it. I bolted. I beat it. I got movinā€™ n groovinā€™. I turned the 4 wheeler around, nearly toppling it off the trail and falling down some 15 foot drop near the trail, since I hadnā€™t found a good u turn clearing yet and wasnā€™t about to keep driving towards the ā€œdeerā€, or whatever it was. It was a tight u turn but I made it and floored it as fast as the 4 wheeler would go.

It was still dead fucking silent. Iā€™ve never heard silence like that. My father is a sound engineer, he has a home studio and a studio that have ā€œdead boxesā€ or whatever that you can sing in that have no noise from the sound proofing, and thatā€™s the closest I can explain the silence being. It was that fucking quiet. In the god damned woods, where it was alive with noise not too long ago.

I floored the 4 wheeler to go as fast as I could back up the mountain, around the bends, and get out of there as fast as I could not worrying about the danger I was putting myself in driving so fast near some of the sketchy parts of the trail I was on.

I got on a flat, straight path and around this time I was about halfway back to the entrance of the trail I would estimate, and I started to see animals, deer, birds, I saw a black bear too, the only one Iā€™ve ever seen in my life, all sitting or standing near the trail, not like right next to it, but about 15-20 feet back in the woods amongst the trees just. . . fucking staring at me. . . . all these wild animals, including the birds in the trees, all silent, not moving, and just staring at me, only their heads moving following me with their eyes while I left as fast as I could. Not making a sound, these animals. Not even the wind. The birds that were up in the trees looking at me. All watching me, silently. Iā€™ll never forget the feeling of their fucking eyes burning in my back once I passed them all. Itā€™s the scariest feeling Iā€™ve ever felt to this day. The eeriest feeling of my life.

I kept going as fast as I could, the sun was getting close to setting, but it was still plenty light out thankfully. About an hour from setting Iā€™d say, but I just kept going. I remember going past areas I hadnā€™t recognized at all, it felt like I was on a new trail or had taken a wrong turn, but I knew that was impossible because. . . this trail had no turn offs, it was just a single road trail. A one way or whatever. But the surroundings were 100% not the same as on my way back in. I started to freak out, reminded myself it wasnā€™t possible since it was a 1 way trail, and just kept going.

I remember passing a huge tree that had moss all over it, this massive fucking tree, like something out of a fantasy movie, a tree I would have 100% noticed on the way in when I was originally coming into the trail, and now here it was. Terrain and trees with moss I had never seen or noticed before. I also didnā€™t see my 4 wheeler tracks that would have been there, but, for some reason, were blown over and no longer there. I can remember the fear that i was on the wrong trail now somehow, but I knew being a one way, that was impossible. So I kept going, and I surely wasnā€™t about to turn around to see if I missed a turn off somehow.

Eventually, I came to an area that suddenly looked normal and I could see my tracks again from when I came in. Somehow there was a part of the trail I had passed through that had changed scenery, and removed my 4 wheeler tracks. I have no idea how this is / was possible. I donā€™t like to think about it.

I kept seeing animals on occasion, just sitting back from he trail staring at me from time to time.

Shortly after getting back on the ā€œnormal trailā€ or whatever, I remember hearing the wind pick up and start to ā€œspeakā€ to me in that foreign language I mentioned earlier. Iā€™ve never heard wind like this before, and Iā€™ve been in the woods when itā€™s windy a fair amount of times. It was ā€œotherworldlyā€, if you will. Idk. Thinking about it now terrifies me still. This time it sounded less. . . ominous and more, friendly? As if it was encouraging me to keep going, and I was doing the right thing by leaving, as if it was no longer angry at me for my intrusion.

I eventually got to the entrance to the trail, which was a 2 way, it was a Y shaped trail, the right side was the side I took, the left side was another trail that was also a one way but in a different direction, and the tail of the Y was the way back home onto the highway.

I remember as I pulled off onto the shoulder of the highway from the trail, everything went silent once again. That dead silence I was talking about was suddenly back. I turned back and saw the exact same motherfucking deer, or whatever it was, standing there, but this time it was moving, stomping its foot and raising / lowering its head like a horse shaking off flies. The wind blew once again and I felt like it said, again, it never made any understandable words, ā€œnever returnā€, or something like that.

Then, It walked into the trees and then out of sight. Then, once out of sight, a few seconds later the birds began to sing, the normal noises of the forest returned, and everything returned to the expected ā€œnormalā€ of the woods. I just sat there staring back from where I had come into the woods, feeling relieved to be out, but also feeling like I had no idea what had just happened or how to even parse it out in my mind. I was shaking and barely able to keep my thumb on the gas trigger on the 4 wheeler as I peeled out onto the shoulder of the highway to get back home.

I just got back onto he highway and started to gun it about a mile or two up the road to my grandparents driveway. On the way there I passed a local on his gator (a type of 4 wheeler with a trunk thing in the back, more for farm work than fun) and he waved at me, and maybe it was just me already being creeped out, but he had this. . . look. . . like he knew what I had just seen. Like he was ā€œin on itā€, and kept going. I donā€™t know. Probably just my imagination making a friendly stranger more than he was. I waved back and just kept going.

All I know is Iā€™ll never be going back into the Ozarks, or any mountains for that matter, for as long as I live. People may think Iā€™m lying, trying to make a story, went crazy temporarily, or whatever, but I know what I saw, I have no idea what it meant or was about, but whatever it was, didnā€™t want me there or wasnā€™t where I should be. So Iā€™ll never return to the mountains again. Fuck that. I donā€™t know what I saw. I donā€™t know what happened. Iā€™m open to the idea I had a hallucination, as that makes far more sense than what I saw being real. But. . . I just donā€™t feel that was what happened, but then again, how would I really know? It drives me insane trying to figure this out. I guess I never will. Chalk this up to another ā€œweird story of being out in the woodsā€ people hear. But Iā€™ll tell you one thing, I definitely take weird stories people say theyā€™ve heard/seen in the woods a little more seriously.

All I can say is while this all sounds insane, looking back on it, I never felt in danger. I never felt as if the animals wanted to hurt me. Simply scare me off. As if I was somewhere I shouldnā€™t be, and they were doing me a favor by leading me back home to civilization. As if I was just, somewhere I shouldnā€™t be and they knew it and were doing me a favor. Even though the ā€œdeerā€ had dark, black eyes, they didnā€™t feel. . . menacing? Just. . . black.

Even in my nightmares I have about this creature, it never is aggressive towards me. It almost feels protective of me. But it still scares the fucking wits of out of me. Like a guardian angel shepherding me out of a place I have no place being. I have had several nightmares that have had nothing to do with the woods, or this animal, and then I see the ā€œdeerā€ in my dream to lead me out. Itā€™s very bizarre and I just donā€™t know what the fuck is going on with all of this.

I am curious if anyone reading this has had similar experiences in the Ozarks or mountains in general. I just had to get this out somewhere, at least where nobody knows who I am so if I am called a liar or schizophrenic or a shitty creepy pasta maker, itā€™s anonymous. So thereā€™s my story, whatever you think of it. I live a normal life, in college, doing well, have an apartment with a buddy, I have a girlfriend and a job, Iā€™m very happy and enjoy life and most of the time Iā€™m just an average guy like everyone else. But sometimes, this pops up in my mind and I remember. . . or I have a dream and it all comes back. An experience I will never forget, but wish I could.

Thatā€™s all. Thanks for reading. If anyone has been in this area and had anything similar happen, please, do tell. It would make me feel better to know Iā€™m not the only one. Iā€™ve googled some and havenā€™t found anything similar to this experience that I considered credible. Idk.