I recently wrote about my experience getting to watch this movie at my local theater, so I thought I would post a clip from the movie this week.

This stretch of the movie, as we ride the train away from the bathhouse and into the countryside, is one of my favorites. The movie leading up to this point is quite hectic during much of the runtime as the main character finds themselves in an unknown world struggling to get by and understand the events happening around her. Potentially mortal danger lurking behind every spirit she meets.

This drawn out, peaceful train ride helps calm everything down and reframes these fantastical events not as a source of fear, but as a source of wonder. Suddenly things aren’t so scary anymore.

I already liked this movie a lot, but getting the chance to see it in an actual theater was very cool. If you are in the US, then there are Ghibli movie showings happening all through 2024, so check the schedule and your local theaters to see if there are any playing near you!

  • Aussiemandeus
    5 months ago

    Yeah I love this movie, it’s so relaxing to watch. The food though it looks so amazing