New Brunswick, Canada. 2-minute video. One nterviewee and husband had just spent 11 mo. homeless. 100 homes on a few acres. Project created by -one- person and a small team of 15 carpenters. Homes built off-site and then moved into place.
Found a full story (Jan '23) on CBC at No time limit, people can live there for life.
It really is. I love seeing a project like this not just take off, but become self sustaining. They have community workshops so they even provide employment opportunities that help the tenants and the community et large. Just wonderful. If I ever end up homeless on the street, I hope there is something like this available.
I’ve seen a major city struggle with this tiny homes thing for YEARS and get a dozen out of it. Meanwhile, here’s one guy (and team) getting SO much done with MUCH less money. Leave out the politics and ‘leadership’, replace it with heart and nails, and look what we can do.