That’s a good question, but no. It was just a bit of word play.
Antineutrinos are not WIMPs. WIMPs are weakly interacting massive particles. Antineutrinos are anything but massive, they’re almost massless, so massless that they were, for the longest time, thought to be massless. They can be a product of dark matter, as speculated, but they aren’t it tho.
That’s a good question, but no. It was just a bit of word play.
Antineutrinos are not WIMPs. WIMPs are weakly interacting massive particles. Antineutrinos are anything but massive, they’re almost massless, so massless that they were, for the longest time, thought to be massless. They can be a product of dark matter, as speculated, but they aren’t it tho.
Yeah I thought so. I guess you could call them WILPs instead (Weakly Interacting Light Particles).