I’m playing a Pathfinder 2e conversion of the 5e campaign Curse of Strahd, and I’m currently prepping a session where I expect my players to seriously encounter Strahd himself for the first time. The problem is, the converted versions of him I’m finding are, unsurprisingly, specced out for facing him in the endgame. They’re level 14 or level 15 or higher. My players are level 5.

In D&D this is no problem. He would outclass them in damage and HP, but he wouldn’t be critting literally every single time. They’d feel outclassed, but not be under threat of a completely unavoidable TPK.

If I were using proficiency without level, this would be no problem for the same reason. But I gather that this is not an especially popular variant rule, compared to other variants like ABP and Free Archetype. So how do people playing without this variant typically present players with the big bad earlier on in the campaign?

  • ZagorathOP
    2 months ago

    Yeah so I definitely don’t plan on making it feel like an actual fight encounter. But this is the Feast of St Andral I’m prepping, according to MandyMod’s variant guide. I had hoped for at least a round or two of combat before they throw down arms, so to speak. The centrepiece was definitely going to be focused more on fighting his spawn before Strahd gets there, and then on something Dominate-y.