It’s easy not to trust a system associated with charging you $500 for Tylenol. Much easier (and occasionally even safer) to just smell some lavender and hope that helps. Go to an ED and you could just die of a stroke or heart attack in the waiting room or even get run over by somebody who died of a heart attack while driving and just plowed through the waiting room because they couldn’t afford an ambulance. And the Healthcare system is largely failing because of insurance companies. Burn inhumana and united quacks to the ground 2k24.

Edit: also housing. Fix the housing crisis and the Healthcare system could probably pull through despite the odds. There’s a huge number of homeless people that just live in hospitals, especially psych wards and I’m not even kidding.

    3 months ago

    This is a terrible take. Advertising medicine makes a ton of sense. People don’t always know what symptoms are actually something that has a cure. They see an ad for a drug and think “oh shit, I have those symptoms, let me go the to doctor”. Otherwise they just live with what they think is normal.

    But further, DOCTORS don’t even know what new drugs exist. Patients advocating for themselves is a HUGE benefit. So a patient might come in and ask for a drug that the doctor has never even heard of so never would have even considered prescribing it even if it was the right drug.