So there’s this guy in YouTube who’s following the progress of the cow level search. Really exciting stuff!
The initial video: The update:
Anybody here who’s participating in the search? Have anyone here gotten any of the items presented in the video?
I feel like this is the one thing missing from D4.
However, wouldn’t something like a secret level with unique monsters show up in the data mining? Unless blizz decided to go out of the way and make that specific feature completely server-streamed.
Admittedly I haven’t watched the video yet as I’m at work.
I suspect they’ll try to sneak it in through a patch. They wouldn’t want all the fun ruined by datamining on release day.
Yeah I hope so!
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When I found the fountain it made me wonder if their was going to be a cow level.
It also makes me wonder if there is going to be a way to return to The Vault from Diablo 3. There is a quest that makes mention of the vault, so I am hoping it makes a return with the cow level.
I’m excited by this, I’m following the hunt on Discord.
My guess is that it’s something to do with silent chests. These seem so… out of place. Oh, they’re locked, but require spend 20 obols which are quite plentiful and easy to obtain? They don’t really give anything better than a regular chest? Why do these silent chests exist at all then? And why are they called “silent” chests?