• @[email protected]
    51 month ago

    I thought I read a post somewhere saying that every single post and comment and upvote/downvote was found to have been sent out from Lemmy.World to the entire Fediverse twice, i.e. duplicating all the work required for that already massive server. But I can rarely ever find posts again using the broken webpage UI search tool:-(.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      I think you’re thinking of a post about another instance that was misconfigured and causing .world to send out duplicate updates to other instances, hence the block. I thought it was an announcement, but I don’t see it in c/support now.

      Edit: I found the post - https://lemmy.world/post/14183949

      • @[email protected]
        31 month ago

        Oh no, poor Ernst is at it again! He needs to be more careful, when his actions affect people all over the world and all the more so beyond his own server:-(.

        Thank you for finding and sharing the link! I actually was thinking of an entirely different instance (I think) that was noticing the duplicates, but perhaps the issue with Kbin.social & Kbin.earth was somehow the real underlying culprit, and anyway a post with real information is much more preferable to read than rambling half recollections of what might have been:-).

    • ZagorathOP
      322 days ago

      A bit late to the party

      Yes, well… 5 days later on a comment that was 7 days after the OP could be described like that 😅

      But yeah, thanks for sharing! How did it go, moving your community? Do you reckon you get roughly the same amount of interaction now?

      • @[email protected]
        221 days ago

        It went pretty well, we are now established on [email protected], the activity level seems similar. If we lost people in the process, they were probably not using Lemmy that much anymore, and where probably “ghost subscribers” of the previous community.

        By the way, feel to have a look at [email protected], you seem to be an active poster, it would be nice to have your opinion on a few topics

        I just had a look, unfortunately aussie.zone isn’t federating the community yet, but you can have a look at the discussions here: https://lemm.ee/c/fedigrow

        • ZagorathOP
          115 days ago

          Oh cool, thanks for the link. I’ve just subscribed to it.