Speak for yourself, I’m painfully bored of the hoards of hunters and already missing being shot at.
Just play on level 5 and your teammates will shoot at you
Look, if I’m landing shots on the bugs within your personal space and you dont die, you can do the same to me and we’ll have a stim about it after.
Honestly I don’t mind that, I played a game the other day where a guy had a guard dog and we fight in close quarters the whole game. Of course we each hit each other occasionally, but I ran the supply pack and we had plenty of non addictive stims.
There was a persistent issue I had with Helldivers 1 where at the beginning of each new war, everyone absolutely beat down the popular factions, and then you had 3 weeks following where only cyborgs were available. If Arrowhead is dead set on keeping this global lockout, I hope they look at tuning it in a way that feels less bad.
I feel what you are saying, but the Terminids are more popular by a long shot. I think that’s why they had us take out the Automatons first.
To be totally honest, part of what has me disappointed is that the timing of it happened right around when I was starting to get a feel for positioning and playing around cover in bot missions, and exploring how different stratagems feel against them. Now I can’t continue that.
I’m pretty sure they’ll be back really soon. I wouldn’t be surprised if they sneak something into the patch tomorrow. Then again, I didn’t play Helldivers 1, so maybe they have left them out for several weeks before?
For Helldivers 1, there were wars that reset after either Super Earth got conquered by one of the factions, or all factions were wiped. The wars could last up to 90 days. In the first week or so (even sooner) at least one faction got eliminated completely. I personally haven’t seen the cyborgs or illuminate for like a month straight, only fighting bugs. Also strategem unlocks were tied to playing a specific race and winning missions. So you’d have maybe 50% of them from fighting just one of them (since a few basic ones repeated), but you’d still end up wanting to play with sth that was on some other race that was wiped. My brother never got to play anything else other than bugs.
If they decide to repeat this system in Helldivers 2, they absolutely will get blasted in reviews. It’s a very consistent complaint about H1. Imagine being able to only play a few hours every week due to your responsibilities, starting a game, and there is only the least popular opponent on the map, and you probably get to wait 2 months before others appear for like a week.
That’s understandable. I know we have eradicated them, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we see them again at some point.
Oh wow I didn’t realize this was a game design element from the first game!
Yeah I miss the automatons, they’re my preferred enemy. Fight them on 9 is a good challenge.
Fighting the bugs on 9 is a casual gaming experience