I just wish it persisted past the Hellpod. You can see it refresh as you enter.
Sometimes it does, unless my game is glotching, but i have been in the hellpod while my mate stayed covered in shit in the set upbarea
I was expecting to be like green or orange goo, but I got red instead most of the time.
It’s mostly red if you’ve been fighting bots, mostly green for bugs.
That was a capture “after” a bug mission though.
Interesting! After bug missions I normally look like I just lost in Family Double Dare.
I wonder if maybe it’s supposed to be partially your blood in some scenarios, then.
Shedding blood for democracy! Keep it up, soldier!
Sorry for the potato quality. I’m too cheap to pay $20 to upgrade my meme app.
The potato quality highlights what the strategem selection screen looks like before dropping.
I think they added it based on this guy’s suggestion, but it could just be a coincidence. https://youtu.be/w_a_jqEm4AU?si=Aft0wGpPOAOFVNkA&t=7m20s
I saw that video recently and was thinking the same thing!
In light of this can we get a shower on the super destroyer?
I’d compromise on the hug emote smearing gunk on your teammates.