Giorgia Meloni’s government has imposed such blatant domination over Italian public broadcaster RAI that its programming has been nicknamed “Tele-Meloni.” The changes have drawn considerable backlash — and are driving ever more Italians to change channels.

I | talian public broadcaster RAI (Radiotelevisione italiana) has long been a prize in the hands of the latest election winner. Yet if the ruling parties routinely distribute top jobs on national networks, few governments have dared to make RAI a tool of propaganda quite so blatantly as Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. Critics today commonly label its programming “Tele-Meloni.” However, her push to bring RAI to the right is also proving a commercial disaster — turning the broadcaster into a hotbed of continual embarrassments.

In less than a year, RAI executives have replaced, cast out, or forced the resignations of their top hosts and journalists while threatening disciplinary sanctions for those refusing to abide by de facto censorship. The changes include near-mandatory positive coverage of the government — and, in these last six months of war, a ban on explicit criticism of Israel from guests, journalists, and hosts.

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    6 months ago

    Summary of the article: audience is shifting from public networks (which have always been under governmental control for decades, no matter the ruling party so not Meloni’s fault) to private networks, namely Mediaset which is owned by Berlusconi’s heirs.

    What could possibly go wrong? Out from the frying pan into the fire!