• Wandering_Uncertainty@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Yes, omg! And the world building idiocy drove me absolutely insane.

    Like, this one part where the were-something (might have been a werewolf?) was like, “only the first born of any pair of weres will also be a were” or something, and the immediate reaction… was to wonder why the were population wasn’t taking over the whole country or whatever. And the were took that seriously, saying the only reason their population wasn’t huge was a large number of stillbirths and such.

    They try to backtrack that a few books later, and deal with the actual consequences of the fact that they literally can’t increase their population without polyamory - clearly someone informed the author of how stupid that was - but still, that initial response was some of the most obviously not-thought-out world building I’ve seen.

    … okay, maybe that’s not true, but some of the worst I’ve ever seen in a book I continued to read, anyway.