I had a heart attack
Today is going to suck.
April Fools! Today will actually be great :3
For me, the worst thing about April Fool’s day is that Think Geek shut down in…2019? They always had a great joke products on the front page, and every once in a while they’d actually make and sell some of them.
Think Geek shut down? Man it’s been 5 years and I didn’t even notice
2019 was 5 years ago?
I almost got got by the Palworld one that came out late yesterday. They are Japanese so it caught me off guard when it wasn’t April 01 for me yet.
IGN did one about Nintendo announcing a Virtual Boy Pro that you slot a Switch into a la Google Cardboard. That one almost got me, until I got deeper into the article and saw some of the more ridiculous quotes.
But they did literally already do that with the Switch, with the Labo VR kit. I remember even seeing some bits in Odyssey that used it IIRC.
Finally. Hail the google overlords!
Where the analytics run free
Oh man this made me angry for a fraction of a second
NGL, you had me for a second.
It got me when I first saw it yesterday too
If it wasn’t a joke, perhaps it might actually get them somewhere at this point
It’s the last major holdout against the entire internet being consumed by chromium, so while it might attract a certain demographic, it would be really bad for society
Firefox is pretty much the last major browser that is not derived from Webkit. If they go, then browsers are a monoculture, and that’s a problem.
Chromium is still open source. And it can still be deviated from. Different for the sake of being different seems ridiculous.
If they forced separation between chromium and Google I would say go for it, but as it’s standing there is way too much power for Google to be like hey nudge nudge do it this way and then they would control the entire ecosystem
With that being said I do still think that there should be some form of competition regardless