I tried a couple of times to find certain audiobooks, but seldomly had luck. There just does not seem to be a place that sells digital versions of audiobooks, similar to how bandcamp sells music.
And even putting on my eye patch and throwing out my fishing net I was not able to find a place to get them.
I do not want to use a subscription service, especially if it’s part of amazon.
Therefore it seems buying a CD and ripping it is the only option left.
I’ve been using audible for years. Then I download the file and scrub the DRM so I can use a different audio book player, because while Audible is a good source, their player sucks ass.
I do this as well, but I use Libation: https://github.com/rmcrackan/Libation
Super easy, barely an inconvenience.
Then I use Audiobookshelf https://www.audiobookshelf.org/ to host the books and their Android app to play them.
How do you scrub the DRM?
I found something on github that does it - removes DRM and converts to mp3. Works like a charm.
Nice find, thanks for sharing!