Good morning, last week we managed to address pressing issues related to infrastructure. Thank you once again for your assistance, Piotr. I will continue work in this area, but it will be less invasive and cumbersome. I have restored the test environments and am slowly getting back into coding.

Today, I will start by organizing abandoned magazines, mag mods requests, checking user account deletions, etc.

This week, additional global moderators will be added to the instance. Tomorrow, there will also be a post where you can submit your candidacy.

Additionally, this week, a Status page will be introduced - where you can check for any instance outages and their repair status.

Various communication issues still remain before I dive into the code. But overall, things are progressing more and more rapidly. I will also try to provide more frequent updates.

Have a great week, everyone!

  • batman without
    1 year ago

    Ok to be fair their politics doesn’t affect lemmy and as for the feature requesting people were entitled assholes and somw guy acted like he was their work slave which pissed the devs of which is complety understandable . apart from that i find the devs fairly pleasant and this is just blatant misinformation spread about them by people who don’t like their political stand . Also no i don’t like russia or china either but i fail to see how it matters on an open source project.